Monday, September 16, 2024



Good morning.

Watched Civil War over the weekend. 

A fictional outcome of the upcoming election.  I hope we manage to overcome the shenanigans being perpetrated; the "engineered violence" with the eating of pets in Springfield, Ohio (a conspiracy theory deliberately started to incite the MAGA base); a second [staged] "assassination attempt" to garner sympathy and votes (maybe I've become to cynical to think otherwise); the rigging of election laws and committees. Perhaps then we can avoid what happens in the film.

Actually it's been since 2008 with the "Birther" movement.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday the 13th


Good morning.

It's Friday the 13th. Take extra care today.

"It's coming up on ball check day and mine ache all the time. It's not a "horny" ache, either. No, I'm not jacking off to excess and haven't been kicked in the nuts. I don't feel any lumps anywhere. Any ideas?"

You've done your TSE and didn't notice any lumps. But they ache. Did it hurt to do that gentle squeeze on them?

Did you happen to check your semen for blood? If not, do so.

Whether there's blood or not, I recommend you make an appointment ASAP. Your doctor will do a more learned check. If he doesn't feel anything, no lumps or torsion, he'll send you for an ultrasound to look for anything amiss inside the testicles.

If your balls are sore, the pressure of the wand might hurt a bit. But clench your teeth, squeeze your butt cheeks, and you'll get through it. Better to go through a little discomfort now than waiting until it's too late.

For the rest of you guys out there: It's a good time to do a thorough check.

Of everything.

Make sure there are no lumps or bumps anywhere: Scrotum, shaft, head, foreskin.

Notice anything out of the ordinary? Go see your physician.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 12, 2024