Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Boners, Random Acts of

File this one under Boners, Random Acts of. 

Over the past few days I've been watching episodes of The Politician on Netflix. It's about a high school campaign for class president. It's dark humor from the team of Brad Falchuck and Ryan Murphy, those genius minds behind American Horror Story.
Episode 5 is titled "The Voter," and focuses on campaign staff hounding the undecideds. One such voter is a young guy who wants only to be left alone to jerk off in peace. He's interrupted in a single day by 1. his mother, first thing in the morning for breakfast, 2. three different people entering the All Gender restroom where he's locked himself in a stall, 3. his mother again, requesting his presence at the dinner table.

One of those times, his inner thoughts question, "If I play with my butt hole while I jerk off, does that make me gay?"
Nope. Not at all. It only means you've discovered a highly sensitive, erogenous zone to add pleasure to the act.
Another inner thought: "Shit, I have another random boner." Then, if I remember correctly, "What am I supposed to do with that?"
Well, one silver lining of this whole shelter-in-place thing is we no longer have daily life interfering with those spontaneous boners we get all the time. Now we have the luxury of acknowledging them. And enjoying them as never before.

When they strike - and they will - embrace the opportunity.


SickoRicko said...

Fabulous post! I hope you are hunkering well!

Mistress Maddie said...

Well, you know me I haven't been doing any of these such things as late!!!!

And the first picture I have swiped for my collection. That is a great picture. Now excuse me...I'm hungry.

Anonymous said...

What if your ass isn't sensitive at all? What if you have no desire for your ass? Because most of this seems to be no different than how the vaginal orgasm is more "mature" than the clitoral orgasm, per Freud.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, those stubborn boners.
And straight guys often wonder if playing with their ass makes them gay. It makes them smart! Nothing like cumming while playing (or having someone play with) your butt.


Your French Patrick said...

Superbly illustrated!
And by luck the Politician is not Trump.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Anonymous said...

Do all guys incorporate anal stimulation or at least some kind of prostate whether internal or external? I wonder because I notice that as I've gotten into my thirties I feel like I require some kind of pressure or stimulation on my perineum to achieve a more powerful and pleasurable ejaculation. Without some kind of lower stimulation it feels more difficult to climax. I'm curious as to what I'm really doing. Am I indirectly stimulating my prostate or some other anatomy down there? Does this just happen with age, or have I conditioned myself by habit to do this? Lots of questions

JeanWM said...

Every cloud has a silver lining. We will have plenty of time to ponder this, the Governor of our state announced stay at home until mid June. Thanks for the positive thoughts, hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Anon, 10:15 - Not everyone derives pleasure from anal stimulation. It certainly isn't anything to be concerned about.

whkattk said...

@ Anon, 5:37 - Not all guys...but I'd venture to day most. As we age, it takes more and more stimulation to get us over the top. Adding perineum stimutaion, whether that's external prostate or simply manipulating the root of the cock, is quite normal to incorporate. Here's it;s a matter of "If it feels good, do it."