Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Super Tuesday

As Jean commented, "Big day today."
Super Tuesday
If you live in one of the states or the US Territory taking part, get out and vote!
If you don't think the primary matters, if you don't think your vote matters, take another look.

Because it does matter. Show your patriotism.
It's not only about the eventual nomination for the Oval Office, it's about down-ballot, too - from congressional to your local alderman.


Xersex said...

In 2016, those who did not vote allowed your current POTUS to win!

Mistress Maddie said...

We don't vote today in Pennsylvania...but I'll pull my lever anyhow.

William said...

Thanks for the encouragement. We here in Washington State vote next week. Waiting on the results from today to make my final decision.

JeanWM said...

I voted. Now the wait. Hugs and bisous.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Well, that cowboy could certainly help me remember to go to the polls.
Apparently the turnout has been high and Uncle Joe won in some places he didn't even campaigned.
Bernie seems to be a fav in Cali and I'm not happy. But hey. At least people went out and voted...


whkattk said...

@ mistress - I trust you to keep your word on that. :-)

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Brava! Hugs and bisous!

whkattk said...

@ Sixpence - If you need another reminder come Illinois, I'll send him over. xoxo

Your French Patrick said...

Dressed or not, I will follow your advice as much as possible.
It is not the advice that is my problem, it is possible.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Hot guys said...

That GIF with the muscle bro in the USA flag t-shirt...

My oh my! ^.^

Hot guy