Monday, April 18, 2022

Changed It Up a bit


Happy Monday. I hope everyone had a nice weekend. If you celebrated Passover, Easter, or Palm Sunday (Greek Orthodox), I hope you had a lovely time.

PaulMmn sent along a couple more Easter things to add to our Monday Giggles.


Thought I'd change it up a little bit this week.


Your French Patrick said...

Very good idea to have alternated the erotic photos with the usual Monday content.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a wondrous Easter.

SickoRicko said...

You changed it up well!

Anonymous said...

Between the literary festival one and the roller coaster one, I cannot select a favorite. OK...maybe the roller coaster one. I laughed out loud on that one. All were great...and the naked men were great too! Happy Monday!

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Hope every one had a great weekend however it was celebrated. You one picture gives new meaning to having a prick. Enjoyed the pictures with over hangers.

William said...

Like the mix of pics and humor.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ok, so that last pic? I'd let him hit it. Twice on days ending in Y.
And The Literary Festival Murders? I'm still cackling. Also, spotted dick? Those Brits!


JeanWM said...

Love it. "The name Spotted Dick, pudding with raisins, has long been a source of amusement and double entendres; reportedly restaurant staff in the Houses of Parliament decided to rename it "Spotted Richard" so it was “less likely to cause a stir”.

Hugs and Bisous.

Unashamed Male said...

I've seen the bottomless cup of coffee cartoon before, but I love it. Thanks!

Xersex said...

nice post!

uptonking said...

I love the alternate photos supporting the memes... nice touch, dear. And a spotted dick? I have no issues with... but a steamed pud? I draw the line! Kizzes.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Leave it to the stuffy politicians to take the fun out of it. But I still want to know what "Steamed Pud" is. LOL. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Six - See? Writers can be sexy, too. XOXO

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

A steamed pudding is dense like a cake. Plump or plum pudding is placed in a bunt pan or wrapped in cheese cloth and placed in a pot where the water is boiled giving off steam that cooks the pudding. My recipe uses suet as the shorting. As it steams the dried fruit in it plumps up. Usually served warm with a rum hard white sauce. Very good, but lots of work. Friends loved it until they found out about the suet.

Anonymous said...

The mix is fresh and yummy