Wednesday, April 24, 2024



Good morning.

"Do guys really not know that stuff is hanging out?"

I hate to admit it, but we really are that unaware. Unless there's a cold breeze, or someone is kind enough to let us know. With more men wearing running shorts and the like, as the warmer weather hits, you're bound to see it more often.

Of course, I won't deny there are exhibitionists out there who are doing it on purpose for the thrill or shock value.

The best thing you can do is either ignore it, or tell him. Just don't be nasty or mean about it. A simple "You might want to put that away," or "You know, you're hanging out," will suffice. Most men will react immediately by stuffing things back in where they belong and offering a weak or embarrassed apology.


SickoRicko said...

I love a good peekaboo.

Your French Patrick said...

One of those on the last one pretends to discover that his cock is hanging out of one leg of his shorts, but that fools no one, isn't it?

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat
Have a wondrous wednesday

uptonking said...

Hee hee... I am always aware... and also never inflict it on anyone unknowingly. For that would be wrong. And consent is important.

whkattk said...

@ Rad - the young folks nowadays are way too uptight about what they were born with...and I don't even pretend to understand that way of thinking. Maybe because I grew up when gym class and showers afterward were required. Or, maybe because of being in the military for over 9 years. Neither of those things are mandatory any longer. But if nothing else, both situations sure proved that we all have the same equipment between our legs and it all functions the same.

whkattk said...

@ MFP - it is a bit suspect as a "slip," isn't it? Hugs and bisous.

Mistress Maddie said...

I know when mine slips out. But then Im most likely giving a peek for a guy crusing me.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I have fallen out of my boxers. That's why I usually wear boxer shorts with short pants.


paulmmn said...

Nice thing to do is tell the man, "Nice one, dude!" with a wink.

Jean said...

Just don’t point and laugh. Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

Guys are aware of what they look like in whatever they wear. Most are VERY self-conscious about their parts and what those parts look like in whatever they are wearing.

The accidental slip certainly happens, and it's much more akin to an "examine your zipper." Oops zipper down, or odd angle from below, or gym short reveal. Yes, accidents happen.

If it is a more substantial exposed incident, the exposing gentlemen have a better understanding of their assets and how to showcase them in what they are wearing. I am less inclined to accept that level of "accidental" exposure to -- uh your fly is down.

However, if it IS the latter and for whatever reason you aren't complementing the gentleman, the self-same XYZ (examine your zipper) might be sufficient. Otherwise, you are a prude. OR: it's not an accident and strike up a conversation!

Anonymous said...

Why would I ignore it, or ask that it be put away and spoil the view?

I do think many of the photos are posed for effect, but I'm okay with that too.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Pointing and laughing is just cruel. LOL. Hugs and bisous.

Xersex said...

some are aware, but some can be not aware!

Gerald said...

It's interesting reading the comments about this. I must say with total honesty that I would be TOTALLY fascinated if I saw a fellow with his penis either in view up a pantleg,or actually hanging out!!! I absolutely WOULD NOT tell him that his penis was visible! In most cases he really is aware of that. Regardless of the situation, I would be totally enjoying the view,and would not want to destroy that WONDERFUL situation. I keep my eyes open for any chance of seeing such a wonderful thing in real life.

Anonymous said...

Sunday after lunch my grandpa would to sit on his chair with his old running shorts and his nuts would pop out, when it happens my Dad always said nice black nuts Sir!