Thursday, November 7, 2024

Delayed Mirth


“Now that the election is over I think we can finally say that, yeah, actually Project 2025 is the agenda.” ~ Matt Walsh

A writer friend of mine, who's parents escaped the USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republic) otherwise known as Russia) when she was a young teen, had only this to say about the election results: "Welcome to Soviet America."

As someone who spent 9+ years working in a SCIF (Secure Compartmented Information Facility), I believe I can say she's not wrong. It's going to be difficult to watch and even more difficult to stop. Once people realize what has happened, it will be too late.

I think we could all use some delayed

Midweek Mirth


Eric said...

As I did in 2016 when Trump won that election, I woke up yesterday morning thinking 'I don't belong here anymore.' The wit and sarcasm you've shared today definitely helps me laugh, and therefore feel a bit better.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG the bear story!

Thanks for the laughs, Big.


SickoRicko said...

Great chuckles! We certainly need them.

Gus said...

Donald Trump said some time ago he hadn't read Project 2025 & didn't know what was in it. I haven't read it either, but saw an excerpt (forgot what it was) & thought, I am against that.
I think you live in CA. If you are so unhappy & have any influence, why don't you persuade the legislature to secede? Unlike the Yankees who didn't want to let the South go ,we'll be more than happy to let you go. You can have your own Marxist country (you deserve it) with Kamala as President. Take Hawaii

whkattk said...

Glad the memes helped!

whkattk said...

You're welcome! XOXO

whkattk said...

We certainly do.

whkattk said...

Well, Gus, you probably should read the entire document - all 922 pages of it. It will give you a very good idea of what is going to be done over the next four years.
As far as seceding from the nation, I'd be willing to bet there might be a lot of takers on that. In fact, I'd bet HI, WA, OR, NM, CO, MA, VT, CT, RI, NY, MD, NC, DE, DC, VI, GU MP, and PR would be more than happy to go with us. Marxist people are awful, aren't they - wanting to help one another and protect each other's rights?

Jean said...

From my state Harris won by five points, it has two Democratic Senators,, and my city voted 76% for Harris. Not a perfect world but one I one I can live in.
The cartoons today were a blessing we need to laugh, a lot. Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

Oh here comes the communist crap. We have been living communism for 4 years but you’re too damn stupid to see it. Why don’t you just stick to your naked pictures and stay out of politics. It’s obvious your head is up your ass.

Gus said...

Unlike so many Harris supporters, your answer is civil, but I remind you that NC voted for Trump. If marxist people want to help one another, explain to me why Tim Walz said his mother depends on her SS check to buy her groceries. Why doesn't fairly wealthy Tim help her if she's that bad off????

whkattk said...

I see no reason to NOT be civil. Unlike Anon (above) who never leaves a comment that **isn't** nasty. And I'd be willing to bet he's never been to a communist country in his life, and doesn't know the first thing about communism. Yet he's more than happy to disparage a woman who knows exactly what communism is like. Though, I do too - having spent time behind the Iron Curtain myself and seen it firsthand.

I know lots of elderly people who say they rely on SS for groceries. Take my in-laws as an example: Their income includes his 27-year military retirement, his 22-year USPS retirement, his SS, her SS, and they believe they're broke and can't afford groceries. I don't know anything about Walz's finances - I'm sure he's not hurting. Why doesn't he help his mom? How do we know he doesn't?

whkattk said...

We didn't do so good this time - this really is a purple state. But she won big in our city and the two small northern cities, and we retained our senator and 3 representatives.
Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

Though I know you don't read replies to your vitriol, I have questions for you: How many years have YOU lived under communism that you know so much about it and would disparage someone who did? You claim we've been " communism for 4 years"??? I don't believe you would know it if it slapped you in the face or kicked you in the nuts.

Gus said...

I can only go by what Tim said about her & groceries. Did you know that Walz's home county (I assume they mean where he lived before he became gov.) voted for Trump? Obviously, they know him better than you & many others do.

uptonking said...

Thanks for the giggles. Much needed.