Got the CV booster, the flu and pneumonia shots, but they don't have one for whatever this is I've been battling since last Wednesday, so I apologize for not replying to comments.
Back in the day, when I lived in So Cal, I would take this to the beach to lay in the sun and sweat it out.
But, alas! there are no beaches here,
so I'll have to make do with lying around the house.
I leave you with a couple Christmas Chuckles
provided by Bruce and Bryn
Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the eye candy and the laughs at the end.
In about the same boat - We got all our boosters, but spouse came home with the creeping crud last week and shared it with me. Knocked both of us down over the weekend. Been a while since either of us have been sick, so hung on. Did a big-ass bowl of Pho the other night (with lots of peppers!), a couple gallons of hot tea, and four hours of raking leaves this afternoon. I think this shit is just about blown out.
Get well, my friend! Get well!
Sweating it out is always the best. I'm the only one at work currently to not get any of the bugs and flus going around. It pays to be a iron clad , gin filled fortress.
Too bad it's too chilly to lay around the pool. Take care.
Hope you feel better soon, Pat. I liked "Do you hear what I hear" :)
Get well soon, mate.
Yay for boosters!
I got my flu and my covid ones the same day. I worry what'll become of vaccines with that idiot and his worm in charge of the US health...
Thanks for the holiday giggles and hope you're feeling 100% wonderful soon. Take good care of yourself!!!
Hope you feel better soon. Appreciate the post today.
Sorry to hear you have a bug. Do you have a heat lamp you can lay under on a towel to at least pretend you are at the beach?
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