Monday, July 15, 2024

You Know


Good morning.

It's that day again.


You know what to do.

Happy Monday


SickoRicko said...

I always look forward to you funnies.

Milleson said...

Pat, thanks for the giggles after the ball check advice.

To add insult to injury, or more to the point, adding injury to the injuries, my girlfriends and boyfriends in the 70s would add mercurochrome to a bottle of baby oil and slather ourselves with this concoction, sit in the sun for hours on end and try to achieve that desirable perfect tan for summer.

No wonder why I see my dermatologist twice a year and have trouble spots frozen, chunks cut out of my face, arms and legs for biopsy and nervously await the results of the test. So far, only a few squamous cell carcinomas in situ but you never know about the future.

To that I add for all the younger guys and gals out there, let this be a precautionary tale for you. What you do in your youth directly decides what your future will be. Some of the pics Pat shares with us of pale young men are gorgeous. If you must tan, please use the highest SPF products you can buy, especially on your beautiful faces. And I've found that the new self-tanning products have vastly improved and don't turn you that orange color like you-know-who. I use them especially on my pasty-white legs so I don't scare children and pets when I wear shorts during the summer. Heed my advice youngsters and you'll be glad you did in 30-40 years when your skin remains smooth and unblemished, unlike mine which resembles an old leather wallet with lots of wrinkles. Play safe.

Your French Patrick said...

Don't worry about that, we're starting to know about it and it's become a sort of reflex.

Don't be too sad for Donald Trump: it wins him votes.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a great daY to start a great week.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Those were very good!
I am still thinking about the gingerbread men for church, though...


Mistress Maddie said...

The meme with the appendix scar and covering with tits had me almost spraying my drink!!!!!

Unashamed Male said...

Fairy tales used to start with "Once upon a time..."

Today, fairy tales begin with "The judge, appointed by Trump, ruled..."

Jean said...

Mercurochrome. Was that actually a real anesthetic? Talk about the flames of hell! But that and castor oil sure built character.
Blazing hot here; I love it when the power flickers on and off. 😬
Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

What? No hate monger post about President Trump. You are responsible for the hatred and violence that occurred this past weekend. Given that you have no real moral character I would have thought you would have had something snarky to say. You are a sad and pathetic individual. I’m sure this won’t get posted because you are a self serving jack ass who gets butt hurt when someone dares to question you or post something contrary to your stupidity.

whkattk said...

@ Milleson - That is my history, as well...and why I have to see a dermatologist every year. So far just a bunch of pre-carcinoma spots. You know, to balance out the psoriasis. LOL.

whkattk said...

@ Anon - Well, if you'd bother to read the comments, you'd know I have never censored you. But I have a special message for you in today's post.

uptonking said...

Thanks for the giggles, dear. Hope all is well. Kizzes.

Anonymous said...

I read ANON is at it again, must be drinking a certain spiked kool-aid.
Not to mention all the deflection as to be expected as usual.
Pretty, petty sad. -Rj

Anonymous said...

for Jean, antiseptic, which is why they include mercury (thimerisol) in vaccines.

rphillips4165 said...

My question to the Anonymous Maga guy. Why are you even on this site that publishes pictures of naked guys every day? My only guess would be your a closet case. And hate yourself.