Friday, May 10, 2024

Crap Shoot


Good morning.

"My older brother and I shared a room growing up. He lost his privates in an IED overseas. When he was recovering we were back to sharing a room I tried to hide my erections. I mean I felt bad that he didn't have his. He told me I should be thankful for every hard I got and I should be proud of them and enjoy them. I wonder why such a normal thing got turned into something shameful."

It seems as if your brother was trying to tell you that life is a crap shoot and we never know when we will lose what we have, or the ability to use it. He's right.

We're taught to be ashamed of our anatomy --- whether soft or hard. How the male body became a shameful thing is beyond me. Why we're taught to be embarrassed when our cocks get hard is beyond me. Especially since it's suddenly celebrated when a pregnancy is announced. How do those folks who think a boner is a terrible thing think that happened?

Thank you for writing in and encouraging people to not only accept what men have but to be happy they work and to enjoy them while they can.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Lube or Dry?


Good morning.

"Do most guys use some kind of lube or do they dry jack?"

Unless they're using some kind of toy, I think most guys probably jack off without lube.

Or rely on precum.

Or saliva.

Just bear in mind, there's no right or wrong. Do whatever brings the sensations you prefer.

Happy Masturbation Month.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Encouraging Results


Good Morning.

"I wanted to put a question out to you and your readers regarding shockwave therapy for ED.  I’ve been struggling with ED for a few years now and have done a lot of research on treatments.  I’ve come across a device called The Phoenix which is an at-home treatment device that uses sound waves to treat ED.  The therapy is also done in clinics, but is much more expensive.  I was wondering if any of your readers have tried this and/or the clinical method with any success.  I understand it’s not a cure but an ongoing treatment. I’d just love to get back some spontaneous and more robust erections."

I personally have not tried it, but clinics have been using it for a while now with some success. Men's Health magazine did an article on it. As we all know, erectile dysfunction (ED) is typically a matter of blood flow. Sound Waves are used to waken the nerves and help open the blood vessels in the area.

Shockwave therapy is one of the many treatment options for erectile dysfunction (ED). Though it isn't approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the science behind this pill-free treatment has been supported by several studies that have turned up encouraging results, and the one you cite claims to have a 94% success rate.

You might give it a cautious trial run (they have a money-back guarantee). But, let's see if anyone has tried this type of treatment.

So, Readers:

Anyone have any experience with this treatment, either in-clinic or the at home device?

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Watch Some Here

 Good morning.

Last week, faithful reader Hooter said it was a shame there was no video of any dancers.

Well, you can watch some here: 

Antonio DaSilva