Thursday, May 23, 2013

(Gonna Be) A Good Day

I woke up this morning with the biggest, hardest boner I've experienced upon waking in the longest time. That is one of the best feelings and really makes me believe I've got a great day ahead of me. And it stayed with me right through my morning whizz, out to get my coffee, and out onto the patio to watch the sun rise. So, today, in honor of my morning boner - that's today's feature.

Beautiful morning wood... 

Don't let it go to waste...


O!Daddie said...

Sadly enough, a rare but much appreciated occurrence for me these days.

Your French Patrick said...

A fantastic forest of woods.
Have a great Thursday, my dear friend.

Anonymous said...

great bodies and cocks! -thanks for putting so much time in this for us;)-makes my day better ;)-bob

Danilo Mascarenhas Bittencourt said...

A ereção matinal me faz sentir o quanto é bom ser homem. Assim que eu acordo — com aquele tesão enorme —, viro de bruços, coloco o travesseiro na vertical e começo a roçar meu brinquedo de carne na cama. A cada roçada, o tesão aumenta, e meu brinquedo de carne fica cada vez mais rígido. Viro de lado, pego o celular e abro esse blog. Coloco o travesseiro encostado à parede, ponho minhas costas no travesseiro e abro as pernas. E passo longas deliciosas horas brincando com meu brinquedo de carne, enquanto viajo por esse blog. Agradeço a você por ter criado esse blog para falar sobre a saúde masculina, como um todo, e principalmente a masturbação.

whkattk said...

@ Professor - Thank you for your kind words. I hope you continue to enjoy reading.