Wednesday, May 22, 2013

(It's the) Small Things...

Well, someone is trying to get men to become more accepting of the size of their cocks... Click the link to The Huffington Post for an eye-opening read:

Can't wait for the results to be published. God bless them! The more that guys learn to appreciate what they have, the better off they'll be.

They still get hard...

They can still be enjoyed...

They still deliver the pleasure and cum...

Enjoy yours to the fullest!


Queer Heaven said...

My dear friend... great stuff today!
A hard Dick is a Hard Dick no matter the size. It still feels great and it still cums.

Justin said...

Very nice pics but I don't consider them small, more of a medium size.

Your French Patrick said...

a) Justin is quite right.
b) It is better to have a small one that works well than a big one too much lazy.

Unknown said...

Guess mine is/has been about average size! Never had any complaints. However since the prostate surgery last October no cum!

O!Daddie said...

I'd rather be filled up with love than filled up with cock.

whkattk said...

@ Justin - I haven't been able to find micropenis pics. But maybe I haven't tried hard enough! LOL.