Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wonderful Surprise

As you know, I've been helping to pump up my buddy's book, (Marvin's) World of Deadheads. Well, sales keep trickling and today (only) in celebration of Marvin's 'birthday' the Kindle version is a free download.

 But the really good news is that my buddy has been contacted by a major production company regarding the film rights and requesting a manuscript for review. My buddy is so excited he's about to piss his pants! If it were me, I'd be walking around with a boner too big for my britches! LOL.

You can get your copy of the book by clicking on the cover of the book in the side bar ---->>>


Unknown said...

Great news! You and your buddy must be very pleased! Wink! Wink!

Anonymous said...

Not free.

whkattk said...

@ Anon - Another person reported the same thing, yet my buddy says there were tons of downloads during the 24-hour period...

O!Daddie said...

awesome news... now if Oprah still had her book club....

Anonymous said...

wow- its great to hear some goods news!good for him-bob

whkattk said...

@ O!Daddie - Yes, indeed!

whkattk said...

@ bob - It is nice to get some good news once in a while and know that all his hard work is getting noticed!