Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Sense of Humor

The wind storm started around 5:30 pm, and didn't let up until the wee hours. The yard and pool are a complete wreck. It's going to take a few hours to clean up the mess. Sheesh. I thought that was supposed to happen at the beginning of March. Mother Nature's April Fool, I guess.

We need a sense of humor right about now.

That was one expensive blow job.
He would've been better off here.

Proper PPE preCOVID-19

They said medical appointments are allowable!
Acceptable hugging during self-isolation

That's not a 6' perimeter

Pastor, that's definitely not proper distancing

That was fine 4 months ago

Keeping in practice

What are you doing at the gym?!?

Do spirits count?
If at all possible, keep a sense of humor.


Mistress Maddie said...

I definelty swiped two of these pictures!!!!!!!

SickoRicko said...

Terrific, very creative! Thanks, I needed that.

Hot guys said...

Those men work hard! No lie.

And LMAO at that meme... xD

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Now, if that’s you in the first pic, I’ll help you clean your yard anytime 😎😉

And we do need a little bit of humor these days. With the avalanche of fuckery coming from the White House, it’s almost impossible to find time to joke and take things lightly. Being sheltering in place does not help. So thanks for the laughs!
Btw I want that Kum and Go T-shirt!


Xersex said...

penultimate, I was just wandering what's he was waiting to suck
# last one: Love Alex Mecum!

JiEL said...

Thank you for sheering us up in those sad times.

The one of «The Peter in Me» made me laugh.

Be safe inside your home.

Here in Montreal, we are confined to our homes but we can go out not to often to walk or to go to the grocery of pharmacy.

whkattk said...

@ Sixpence - Damn...not me at the pool, but maybe you'd make an exception because I'm always naked when I clean up the yard and pool. xoxo

whkattk said...

@ JiEL - Glad to hear you are staying safe and well!

whkattk said...

@ Hot - Why, yes...yes, they do. Don't We wish all men would?