Friday, April 24, 2020

Take Time to Play

Life amid the lock-down.

But, as AOM says, we must remember to take time to play.


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

That first gentleman could come an help me with the chores any day!
And I’ve never been close to the kitchen when naked, let alone a grill!


SickoRicko said...

Fabulous post!

Have a terrific, safe weekend!

Mistress Maddie said...

I always make sure I have play time in the day...every day!

Xersex said...

love all these naked men
happy week end!

William said...

Thanks always for the entertaining posts. Hope you are well, and have a great weekend.

AOM SoulFood said...

AOMEN! Naked makes our lock-down more fun! I hope you are doing well. Wishing you and yours all the very best enjoying life naked! Have a great weeeeeekend my dear Friend. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

JeanWM said...

I'm glad I ate all the 3 lb bag smoked almonds Lightly Salted. I am determined not to open another box/container of forbidden food that I bought for our quarantine. Saw advert: Will trade 48 pack of toilet paper for beach house. If it was me I would hold out for a beach house with a pool. Stay well. Hugs and bisous.

Bruce Jensen said...

Stark naked is the only way to work around the house. True, self isolation is a bit of a downer but you can do things to lighten the mood. Things may have gotten bawdy at our house but it certainly isn't boring. 😎😎

Anonymous said...

Very true my friend. It's now that we must get back to our ancestral way and enjoy the inner you as a male. If you haven't already, rediscover your true phallic right as a penis owner, and learn the full capacity of the sexual being that you are.

whkattk said...

@ Sixpence - It's not dangerous at all - as long as you aren't cooking anything that might splatter! LOL.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Yep. We've decided to go back on the diet. Gained back everything I lost in Jan.... And, I'm with you 100%: Beach house with a pool - so I have a place to swim after I get chased off the beach for being naked! Hugs and bisous!

whkattk said...

@ Bruce - Right on! And, Bawdy keeps Boring at bay!

Anonymous said...

we're having a good time here. naked and playing all kinds of board games dad brought. truth be told yeah we're doing our fair share of playing with our dicks too - r

Anonymous said...

My thought is "Why get dressed and have to do more laundry?" LOL!

Beautiful images!

Bruce Jensen said...

@ Sixpence.
Bruce cooks and bakes nude all the time.
He just wears an apron if he is trying something. He looks cute with his bare butt peeking out.

whkattk said...

@ Gabriel - Right you are!

whkattk said...

@ Bryn - I'd love to see a photo of that! :-)

Anonymous said...

The boys have to do their share of chores. After that, they're free to pursue whatever playing they choose. Though, most of the time it's video games. - Dad