Friday, May 1, 2020

Get Started

FrenchPatrick informs me I must've slept right through International Dance Day, celebrated on April 29. As a former dancer, shame on me! But, well, Ima blame it on the COVID-19 situation. 😁

(All photos courtesy of Your French Patrick)
Oh, and, lookee here. It's May 1. The start of Masturbation Month.

Go ahead - Get started.


Mistress Maddie said...

Don't worry about the not can perform a May Day Pole Dance for us today! And speaking of may poles......

Hot guys said...

Have a feeling all the gay ballet dancers are great bottoms.

No surprise there, right? :)

SickoRicko said...

Great post!

Xersex said...

happy MAYsturbation month

Anonymous said...

Oh I've started and will masturbate as much as I can this month. 😀

JeanWM said...

Learn to love your local library. Mine has thousands of books to download, 9000 audio books, 50 magazine subscriptions, and music/movies to borrow. All online! Our library is closed but you can sign up for a temporary card for 3 mos. Check out your local library website and the apps are there to load on your devices. All Free! Check out this weekend.

And stay out of the refrigerator; call a friend instead!!
Hugs and Bisous.

Fullmoonma said...

Thanks to you and French Patrick for the dance pix. I've seen a couple of nude dance events - one deliberate and other accidental as the result of a costume failure - the costume was just a pouch with strings going around the dancer's butt - the pouch came loose and the small dancer appeared. Audience took it badly but dancer persisted through several failures - what a guy!

whkattk said...

@ Fullmoonma - Shame on the audience. It happens. Bravo! to that dancer - he's what you call a real professional.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Oh, yeah...never thought about the library. There's got to be thousands of things to borrow.
Oh, I do need a friend to call when I'm ready to raid the fridge or pantry. They'd get mighty fed up with me real fast, though - calling every 30 minutes! Hugs and bisous!

Anonymous said...

Is it a problem if I started celebrating Masterbation Month a little early? Like January 1st?? LOL!

The dancers are all beautiful and my favorite is the one in the white shirt in front of the window. So beautiful!

whkattk said...

@ Gabriel - Not a problem at all. LOL. I think that's my favorite in this post, too.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this virus is the worst. And you really appreciate the economy of the Wilson years, that they could quarantine for more than six weeks and not whine about "I need to get my hair done." "I miss yelling at the waitress at Chili's." Old people today.