Friday, May 28, 2021

More Often


Here we go into the final stretch to celebrate Masturbation Month.

"I enjoy reading your blog especially during mastrubation month because I love jerking off. There's no regular sex for us during May because I jerk off every day. and my wife laughs because she thinks its silly but she does join me once in while. Its been a great celebration again this year. Thanks for another great celebration.."

You're entirely welcome.

If your wife would take to reading the blog she might be interested in joining you more often.


SickoRicko said...

What fun for them!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I love the idea of having a partner that is GGG. His wife seems entirely cool to me.


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Did google eat my comment? Hate it.


JeanWM said...

wow that was a fast month! Don't forget what Memorial Day means, it is to honor those who have given their lives for their country. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Six - Yessiree. GGG is the only way to keep a relationship going.

P.S. Google did not eat your comment. I just hadn't released it yet. XOXO

whkattk said...

@ Jean - I sped by this year. Monday will be honored for both. I'm tempted to add the 100-year anniversary of the Greenwood Massacre to the post, too.

Anonymous said...

Re: Tulsa, a similar thing happened to the Osage. The US isn't exactly fertile ground for socialism, but any round of the socialism of fools grows easily.

Today's my birthday. Wishing COVID were over. (My currently on break, due to COVID, girlfriend doesn't mind my jerking off with other guys, so long as I don't do any penetration and risk bringing home an STD, and the relationship is between friends, not lovers. The reason she doesn't mind goes back to being a psychologist.)

Hot guys said...

For many... Every month is "that kinda" month 😜

Xersex said...

sure!!! maysturbation is ending but not out sex