Monday, March 6, 2023

Happy Monday


Monday Giggles to, I hope, start your week with a laugh. Or at least give you a smile.

Happy Monday.


SickoRicko said...

Terrific! Thanks for the laughs!

Your French Patrick said...

I have liked the one about the four great truths about religions.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a great day.

paulmmn said...

Ah, the 'try me' buttons in the store! One time I was at The Christmas Store in Pigeon Forge. And there were the toys... all lined up. And I pressed the buttons, one by one. It was beautiful!

If they sing, I try to trigger them so they sing in a round!

I'm not sure, but I think I got a little kid in trouble. He was watching me have fun, and mama rounded him up. I didn't get a chance to explain that I was the one having fun!


paulmmn said...

I never knew Riker swung both ways.


Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Did not understand the Tupperware joke.

Unashamed Male said...

Perhaps the place with the "Due to unseen circumcise" sign is closing to conduct a psychological experiment. On Jan. 13th they will exhibit something circumcised, and then test whether once it's seen, it can be unseen.

whkattk said...

@ Hooter - If you store a tomato-based sauce in Tupperware it pretty much permanently stains the plastic.

Anon said...

Well, there was an androgynous alien. Frakes wanted that character to be played by a man, but 80s censorship. Instead it feels like evil lesbians.

Yeah, even after TOS had Amok Time.

JeanWM said...

Well, under extenuating circumcises, we start another great week with the funnies.. Thanks, Pat
Hugs and Bisous

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, and 'caught on tape'? Too funny.

FWIW, I love pushing those buttons that say 'try me'.


whkattk said...

@ Six - My wife is right there with you on pushing the "Try Me" buttons. XOXO

uptonking said...

Thanks for the giggles. I liked the one about twins!

Xersex said...

happy mongay & new week all