Friday, March 24, 2023

Listen to Your Dads


"i got thrown out a couple years ago when i came out to my folks. turns out the bext thing to happen. my foster dads are great. we go to a gym three times a week and seen a guy in the showers with ring on his dick and i thought it looked really cool and want one. my dads said ok but only a kind to go around my balls. they said the kind this guy has isn't good"

Your dads are right. This is basic function information. Guys older than you got caught up in the moment and have forgotten to remove the ring and damaged their cocks.

Blood must flow to and from the interior tissues to provide fresh oxygen. Cock rings restrict that flow. That makes boners harder and can help you stay hard longer, but anything much past 30 minutes is detrimental to the health of the tissue.

Without a fresh supply, the blood gets trapped, then becomes sludgy. If not treated, the tissue can die.

Unless you want to end up in the Emergency Room with doctors trying to cut the ring off to save your cock, listen to your two dads.

They know what they're talking about.


SickoRicko said...

Very good reminder.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I will never understand cock rings ON the shaft. Is that a fashion statement?
Shouldn't a cockring go behind the balls and around the root of the cock in order to function as a tourniquet (that's what cockrings basically are) and restrict the blood flow to stay hard longer?
I imagine that's the difference his dads were trying to make. Also, I have never seen a man with a cockring at the gym. Do some men leave them on ALL THE TIME?
I have questions.


Anonymous said...

I pictured the 'bad' kind of ring in the story as being a prince albert.

Your French Patrick said...

My darlings Jean and Pat, I wish you an excellent weekend without any ring problems (nor any other problem).
Hugs and bisous.

JeanWM said...

He may think they look cool but they do have a purpose. I suspect curiosity has led some folks down the wrong road without understanding the dangers. Glad he asked Pat. Happy weekend. Hugs and bisous.

Erick said...

Thank you as always

fullmoonma said...

There are real dangers from mis-use of too tight cock rings for too long. but it's fun to wear them occasionally. You might consider a snap leather model which is adjustable and easily removable. This outfit has a retail store at the Gay Naturist International retreat with trained staff to assist in finding a good look and fit!

Adam said...

Funny story, Rad! I can just imagine!


Holy Crap! I just started using cock rings around my balls and dick and Absolutely love them now. The erection is such a different feeling. Now reading this I have to limit the time I'm wearing it. Thank you for the informative information.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Maximus suggests to use leather with snaps or rubber. Both can be removed fairly easy. He has used them often since being a teen. Maximus uses them no more than 20-30 minutes at a time. If you use it wrong, damage can occur. Don't break your toy.

whkattk said...

@ Six - Some guys do wear them all the time as jewelry. But the shaft only ones are the most dangerous because they more fully restrict the blood flow - the shaft and balls models are much safer.

whkattk said...

@ Anon - A Prince Albert can only cause harm when initially put in - the wound must be kept clean until it heals. Any infection could cause serious harm.

whkattk said...

@ Daddy Scruff - The model you are using is not nearly as dangerous as the shaft only type. You should be okay.

whkattk said...

@ Hooter - Yep, an adjustable is the way to go. Especially if you want to wear it at all times as jewelry.

Anonymous said...

Not that I wear them myself, but I watched a video of a very attractive lad talking about his Prince Albert and it was quite fascinating: I didn't know that with heavier rings the holes can migrate over time, due to the force of gravity, to the extent the ring can pull right through the tissue.

Whilst impressive, bigger ain't necessarily better.

Xersex said...

put that ring there is a bad idea!

Anonymous said...

Appreciate the great post. My friend made nasty jokes about my persistant hardon at the showers, I was deeply ashamed, totally crushed. I didn't want to go anymore. My dad asked why and I told the story, so he took me to his gym, he saved a lot, his friends all were nice to me!!!

Anonymous said...

This show how to put a ring