Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Giggles


Good morning.

Monday Giggles

Have yourselves an awesome day.


Mistress Maddie said...

The tin man one had me roaring!!!! Funny and a conversation piece.

SickoRicko said...

These funnies are terrific!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, I can imagine Beast's face! LOL

And that's an erection?? FULLY erect? Sign me up.


Jean said...

😅🤣😂. A bunch of gems, where to start, “In reality, plants are actually farming us, by giving us oxygen daily, until we all eventually decompose
so they can consume us.” OK I’ll stop there, hugs and bisous.

William said...

Thanks for the fun. Hope you have a great week.

PaulMmn said...

The Fully Erect tent people need an editor that all papers (should) have-- Heart of a Saint, with a mind sopped in the gutter.
Especially where that tent pole is going!

PaulMmn said...

Your first 'good morning' picture looks like a man who could use a good-morning... "kiss!"

whkattk said...

If it rained here more often, I'd have one.

whkattk said...

Glad you enjoyed them. I hope you're getting better!

whkattk said...

LOL. I loved that one.

whkattk said...

I think my favorite this time was the Beast, because that would be me.
Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

Thank you!

whkattk said...

I agree.

whkattk said...

I'm sure he wouldn't complain!

uptonking said...

I'm one of those no one should sit next to. I have so much fun being evil. Kizzes.