Thursday, July 18, 2013

Boner Milestone

Well, I hit a milestone... I promised myself that when I'd collected 1,000 Wood photos I would do a post featuring nothing but wood. I hope you all enjoy...

I hope you spend some time enjoying yours!


O!Daddie said...


Justin said...

Would love to encounter those woodies.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Your French Patrick said...

If you have not enough "wood", you can add Tyler Wood, Terron Wood, Ryan Jacob Wood, Elijah Wood, Bobby Wood, Birkestrand Tyler Wood, etc.
Not to speak of the "woods, such as Ralph Woods, Simon Woods, Matt Woods, Hardy Woods, Huntley Woods, etc.
I have more than 1,000,000 photos on my computer, but I don'k know how many "wood".
The file explorer find only those which have this word in their title, in their batch or in their metabase, but especially there are a lot with "hardon" and tons of other words.
Have a wonderful day and a big bisou.
Postscriptum: very happy to see that you've leaved your corner.

Anonymous said...

Always a huge thanks. Love your blog.

whkattk said...

Thank you, all you fine Faithful Readers for your comments. I truly appreciate it - glad you liked the post!

Danilo Mascarenhas Bittencourt said...

Estou curtindo bastante o meu. Sinceramente, mesmo eu sendo hétero com muito amor, essas fotos me dão uma vontade intensa de gozar. Mas, mesmo assim, não acabar tão rápido, porque dessa maneira não tem graça. Prefiro acumular bastante antes de gozar. Enquanto isso, eu fico estimulando bastante para deixar o pênis cada vez mais duro e para aumentar o tesão cada vez mais.

whkattk said...

@ Professor - It's great that you enjoy the photos, that you can extend your pleasure. It's what masturbation should be.