Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Well, I'm totally uninspired today and I've got nothin' specific to write about. So, you'll just have to enjoy the pics, I guess.

Kick back and chill out...

The boner may happen

Or, depending on what you're doing, it may not.

If it does, what a great excuse to kick back and...


Queer Heaven said...

Some day are just like that! Some days I have nothing to say either.
At least we can still Wank the Junk

Your French Patrick said...

If I have to choose, I prefer you happy rather than talkative.
And as regards your own choices, you found some magnificent photos.
Have a great day, my dear friend.

O!Daddie said...

Lovely pix, take another day off real soon! ;>)~

Unknown said...

YUM! Hot! Thanks, Patrick :-)