Monday, July 15, 2013

Well, Balls!!

Yes, you know what day it is, today. So, let's get busy on those balls, boys.

Check them thoroughly. If you notice anything - anything - that feels 'not quite right,' grab that cell phone and call for an appointment to get them checked by your doctor. Better to have him check and tell you things are good, than ignore it and end up on the wrong list of statistics.

Then, you must call, text, email, IM, post to FB, bulletin boards, forums, or chat with each and every male you know to remind them to give their own nuts a good once-over. You may save a life!

I truly thank Lord Patrick over at More of the Same 

Courtesy of Lord Patrick

Courtesy of Your French Patrick

for their wonderful reminders today and joining this all-important bandwagon with posts of their own today. Bless you, both!

Now, get busy, folks. No matter how many other kinds of balls you play with...

These are the most important ones:


Queer Heaven said...

Such great photos today! And as always great advise. Instead of me checking my balls for anything wrong, yesterday I had my buddy do the job for me.

O!Daddie said...

HIKE !!!

Unknown said...

Great themed post! Hot guys!

Anonymous said...

Checking mine right now . . . again and again! : ) Thanks for all the hot pix inspiring my bate. Hugs and Strokes in Spirit my brother. AOM

Your French Patrick said...

Yesterday, I came too early, but you see, that does not prevent me from taking advantage of this update.

Bisou, with retroactive effect, and, to stick to the day's topic, right in your balls for the late-payment interests.

But do not repeat it, that could make people jealous!

Anonymous said...

You said plenty through your selection of images and I hear the call, checking my balls and stroking one or two or three off. : ) Wishing you a beautiful hot horny day brother! Hugs and Strokes, AOM

whkattk said...

@ YFP - I was late in posting, mon ami. Thank you for coming back! Bisous!!

whkattk said...

@ AOM - Well, that the heck, it can't hurt to check those balls every day - Look what happens. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great idea.... I sure appreciate It. All is well in scrotum.....