Any Questions?
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Thank you - especially our widowed grandma, who suggested young women could learn a lot here - for the continued comments. I really do appreciate hearing from you all. It's the comments and emails that help guide my posts.
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I know there are Ladies who read - and occasionally they will leave comments. I wish they would do so more often. I wonder sometimes if they are garnering new information and finding it helpful or if, perhaps, they think I'm just full of shit. Ladies, (and my straight guys out there) may think this is geared toward gay or bisexual men - but, truly, it is meant for everyone to gain knowledge. I hope it presents itself as such. After all, the best way to present information about The Package is with examples.
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In that spirit, let me know what you'd like me to post about. If you have a question, ask - that's what I'm here for. If I don't know the answer, I'll find it.
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this post is delicious!!!
I'll go out on a limb and say that the ladies know a hell of a lot more about our junk than we know about theirs. Maybe WE should be doing the asking ????
Like your book theme.
I like to check out your website not only for the photos but mostly for your themes and comments.
I'm straight, but shy, so please don't be too hard on us shy, modest types. Just thankful there are "showers" out there. We enjoy the show.
I dont know what the women know or not, think or not, do or not.
I say to them "talk to me honey, talk
to me, I'm listening, but I couldn't care less."
On the contrary the photos are very good.
Wishing you a very good day, my dear friend, with a lot of bisous.
We females spend a lot of time trying to figure men out. (I suspect 100 times more than the reverse.) So like O! daddie said, I should know alot about men, Wrong! Most stuff written about men, is by women! On Whack I've learned you have a whole world of info never shared with us! Grandma Jean
I'm sure that man or woman, straight, gay, bisexual or whatever, would always find something "interesting" in your posts! Great guys today! It's amazing what one finds in a library besides books! Hugs, Patrick
I agree that all folks would learn a lot from reading your posts. ABout this library - Even if I didn't read much, I would like to know where this library is. : ) Wishing you a jizzalicious day, bro. Hugs and Strokes, AOM
Today it is the eighteenth birthday of my grandson Quentin. That will change nothing on my blog, but we shall celebrate this metamorphosis of my baby in adult at my son's home and I will be off the face of the earth up to the end of the weekend.
I wish you all the best.
Bisous, my friend.
Wonderful comments. Thank you all!!!
Love the posts and the photos. I think we need a social shift where men are required not to wear shirts. Interestingly Dancing With The Stars has been featuring more and more shirtless male dancers (a trend I am in favor of!) and in that vein, the best pants are NO PANTS! Hahaha! Stay naked!
@ Artist - I'd love to see DWTS have the guys wearing tighter pants to show off the bulge in those dance straps! But, yep - The best pants are no pants - Agreed! Thanks for leaving a comment.
I've got a question you might explore someday on your blog: I sometimes wonder how many guys (and gals) out there have ever stood in front of a pool jet and let the force of the water against their cocks (clits) make them cum-bust?
@Anon - That's a VERY common practice for both men and women. The warm water blasting against the clit or cock is an awesome sensation...Put your cockhead directly in the center of the jetstream and you'll be jetting your own stream of jizz in no time!
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