Wednesday, February 5, 2020

As Long As You Wish

Taking time for yourself isn't always easy. So much can get in the way. Lives are messy. That makes it all the more important to make the time; set it aside in your calendar if need be.

If we don't nourish the soul, we tend to feel lost. We begin to resent the intrusions of everyday life; depression may set in. There are many suggestions on how to combat that. One solution suggested many years ago by a friend stands out and has become a popular thing: The Staycation.

Turn off the TV, turn off the phone, lock the doors, and hibernate. Better yet, he said, "Go rent a hotel room for a night or two. Maybe take a good book. But, go. Lose yourself in yourself. And, yes, that's exactly what I mean."

Nothing to think about but pleasing yourself for as long as you wish.


Xersex said...

love your wisdom

AOM SoulFood said...

AMEN! AMEN! Great advice that all should heed and take action upon. I hope all is well with you and yours. Wishing you a self-loving day! Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

SickoRicko said...


Your French Patrick said...

Thanks and congrats for your pics and your good ideas.

My most hypocoristic feelings, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Postscrip: Hypocoristic (hypocoristique in French) being an adjective and a masculine noun, which serves to express a caressing, affectionate intention.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

This may be what I need? The idea of taking one or two days just for myself sounds fantastic. These last months have been kind of stressing, so it may be a good idea. A staycation, huh?


Anonymous said...

That's what I love about going to the gym, the pool or visiting something like a spa. It's so relaxing and just the perfect me time. said...

Why the fuck can't I leave a comment ?

whkattk said...

@ tony - You have left comments. They all need to be approved due to the amount of spam. Sorry about that. said...

Thanks whkattk. I found a day or two later. I appreciate bud. Hope you are doing ok healthwise. Hugs...