Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Friends Who Care

Thank you, everyone! Now I can't wait to get glasses! I had the most wonderful time yesterday. We did indeed spend our entire day and evening naked in the pool and relaxing on the patio.

His was the first visit (other than in-laws) since the lock-down went into place on March 16. How nice it was to sit and talk face-to-face with a friend, to joke, to laugh, to talk about serious things we'd both had happen to us.
We were still floating around in the pool when my wife got home from work. I grilled some chicken, we sat at the table to eat and chat. Then retired back out to the patio, drinks in hand, and talked until the sun went down.

How nice to feel normal even though normal isn't here. May not be for a long, long time yet. But we have friends who care about us.

And, I thank each and every one of you for your thoughtfulness, your kindness, your caring.


uptonking said...

Glad you had such a great time. You deserve it. These days, we all need a little pampering. Thanks for the great pics.

Mistress Maddie said...

Thats alright...just rub in the lovely pool day you had, while poor little me was sweltering away and wilting in the sun...I don't mind.LOLlolLOL

AOM SoulFood said...

Hey Bro, Wonderful Wonderful news and so glad you were able to have some fun floating around naked in the sun. Sure wish I could have join y'all. You asked on my blog how I once thought wanking was wrong - I don't really know because no one ever spoke of it but somehow I just knew it had to be considered a sin - I mean even dancing was wrong at my church - so - It was hell being scared of hell every night I wanked off - Thank goodness I reexamined and learned that wanking if perfectly good, normal, natural and a gift from God - not a curse. Weird things we think when we are young and left to our own imaginations to figure things out. I wish you and your a wonderful naked in the sun day, my Friend. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

SickoRicko said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday! I'm very glad.

Xersex said...

happy for you

Your French Patrick said...

LOL, after I feel sorry for you, I'm not going to get jealous. Bravo for the courage, the efforts and the perseverance which you showed. This improvement is largely deserved.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Mistress Maddie said...

You and the wife better just stay safe and in the pool. I just saw on the new that Arizona's covid 10 spread is alarming!!!!!!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Fun, Fun!
Now I want grilled chicken. And a pool.

JeanWM said...

Thank you for your tireless work of putting together your blog every day. All the bad things this spring certainly must've made yesterday seem very special. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ mistress - Yep. All the surrounding states show increase in cases and hospitalization - AZ is seeing their hospital beds fill up. And, of course, the city has opened, so those infected are coming here, spreading the virus, and leaving. ***sigh***

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Yes, it really did feel like a special treat. It's been a very rough 2020. Now, all we can do is keep vigilant through Nov.

Anonymous said...

We're in the stupid phase: The government fucked around and found out.

Sean Kelly said...

Congrats on the glasses

Anonymous said...

Were you guys naked in the pool?

whkattk said...

@ Anon - 9:23 PM - We were.