Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A Good Trip


We took turns driving. It was a road trip up to the Pacific Northwest. I'd never been. Lots and lots of green --- though I had no idea that Eastern Oregon was so...desert-y. And desolate. Or, so I thought when we pulled over to a turn-out so I could stretch and pee. And, of course, mid-stream, a car came over the rise.... LOL.

Stops included Hood River, Oregon where we browsed bookstores, stopped for lunch, and then watched foil surfers on the Columbia. Quite a few farmer markets looking for cherries and berry jams. Yep, we did come home with a lot.

Up to Seattle to walk through Pike Place Market, Ugh. Overcrowded and everything priced for tourists (read, expensive).

A day spent on Sunset Beach, which was not crowded --- yeeeaaaay --- because how can you get that close to the ocean and not stop? Sadly, it is not clothing optional.

That side trip replaced driving to Sequoia National Park on the way home. Another road trip for the future.

It was certainly cooler than here. Irony? Cloudy and / or overcast all but two days with nary a drop of rain. Here, it rained like hell while we were gone.

In all, it was a pretty nice trip.


SickoRicko said...

I'm glad you had a good trip. If I'd known you were coming up this way, I would have waved!

whkattk said...

@ Rick - I thought about you as we sat along the river!

Your French Patrick said...

I'm glad your trip turned out to be enjoyable, at least we won't have been deprived of your blog for nothing.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a great day.

Big Dude said...

Glad you are back and that you had a nice time.It's good to see some nice cocks on your blog again.

Mistress Maddie said...

Getting away and a change of locale is always a good thing. I have been to Seattle...I have cousins there...but avoided Pike Place Market. I love markets but your right...definetely tourist geared.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, it sounds awesome.
I've been meaning to go to Seattle. My friend Abandon lives there and has invited me. I do need to do the Pacific.


JeanWM said...

We have a great big wonderful country. On my travels, the economy appears to be booming, I've never seen it so crowded with tourists. It always is still good to be home. Hugs and bisous.

uptonking said...

Glad you had a lovely time. Sounds wonderful. Hope you are feeling rested and well. Kizzes.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Yep, the economy is steaming right along. I don't know what the right-wing is talking about when they say it's bad. people seem to be spending, spending, spending. Hugs and bisous.

Christiaan said...

Like Place Market is still fun, but only the first three months of the year when most of the tourists are gone to sunnier climes.

Xersex said...

I'm happy for you.

speaking of rain, in Italy we have serious problems, because from January to today it has rained only two or three times. There is a drought never seen before.

Anonymous said...

Aaah, nothing beats marking one's territory at the roadside! That guy has a nice arc and an impressive puddle!