Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Crushing Boner Killer

I had planned another post about protecting one's boners, but THIS became an instant "boner killer"...

What can one say? My heart goes out to any of my Faithful Readers who have been directly affected by this horrible deed. Whether they live in the area, had traveled there specifically for the Marathon, or had friends or relatives injured or killed by yet another person - or persons - who think they must create chaos for others in order to make themselves feel happy and important.

For the rest of us who reside in the US, may we stand together to hold and lift up our brothers and sisters in their time of despair.

Weep for them and with them...

And pray for peace...


Anonymous said...

we cant do much about those fucked up bombers- but those beautiful full packaged cocks take your mind off it for awhile :( bob

Your French Patrick said...
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Your French Patrick said...

Yes, my friend. I pray so that it is your last post tagged "Terror".
No more Attack else than your Big Wack Attack !!!

whkattk said...

@ bob - Yes, that was one of my intentions. :-)

whkattk said...

@ FP - Yes, my brother - I hope so as well. Bisous!