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And how I wish someone - anyone - would have told me why my beast was behaving that way; hard all the time and dripping like a leaky faucet.
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And, moreover, what I could be doing about it.
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Well, of course, I had my brother to teach me how to jack off.
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But, beyond that, I knew nothing because he knew nothing. We knew our buddies beat their meat - we did so together.
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But did all guys?
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Did our fathers?
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I bring this up because in reviewing my stats (I like to know how folks find Big Whack Attack), the search words "dad caught wanking" were there in several forms. I don't know if it meant that someone had caught their dad whacking his weenie, or if some father had walked in on his son.
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But, either way...it still bothers me that jacking off is such a furtive activity amongst fathers and sons when it shouldn't be.
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When will society grow up and treat masturbation as the normal, natural thing it is?
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I'll have house guests, so I may not be able to visit buddy blogs or leave comments every day. And posts here may be sporadic over the next couple weeks. Get naked and enjoy your weekend, folks!