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You know what else bring me great joy and happiness? Waking up with a really stiff cock. A boner so hard it could break out of a steel cage.
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Then rolling over to thrust it into the mattress to get it even harder, and going outside and taking that morning piss.
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Boners are a man's best friend, folks. And you know who else cares about your morning boners?
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He's talked about the phenomenon a lot, because it's such an important indicator of a man's overall health.
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And your own doctor should care, too.
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If you aren't waking up with a solid stiffy on a pretty consistent basis, you need to tell your doctor.
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If you don't have a good, strong stream when you take a leak, you need to tell him about that too.
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If you are young and virile but you don't shoot good, strong geysers of jizz, - not with every ejaculation, of course, - but, for the most part, you should be able to easily rocket your cum up across your chest. If you can't, you need to tell him this.
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Guys, we have to stop being so afraid to talk candidly with our physicians. If he (or she; my primary is now a woman - and quite comfortable discussing these things with me) doesn't know you're having these problems, it's much more difficult to diagnose a health issue. Allow me to say, this:
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is bullshit. If you care about your boner - and you should!!! - you need to not worry about this:
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because he (she) doesn't care if you pop a hard-on at all. Chances are they've seen more cocks than you will see in a lifetime, and a big old boner
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is no surprise for them.
Hey Bromie! Good advice and a great motivating post. Never should there be embarrassment about anything natural. Love the selection of images too. Very bone inspiring. Always there hugging and stroking you my dear sweet bro. AOM
"so hard it could break out of a steel cage" LOL, Do you try to persuade me that you wear a steel underpants to avoid that the wild animal misbehaves while you sleep? Anyway, if it cannot break it out, I think that you have the key of its cage.
Wishing you a LOVE-ly weekend with my best regards and lot of bisous.
yep, we were both on the same wave length today.
A good hard Dick or the lack of is a real sign of your health.
love your pics!!!
Thanks the same God who created me gay, I'm full of sexual desire, blood reaching my dick and cum squirting till my face!!!
Happy saturGAY my beloved!!!
enjoy my last post:
I'm a very romantic mood, today!
My new PCP (going on 4 yrs) is a sweet, no-nonsense, mid-60ish lady and a pillar of the local medical school. She's never brought up the subject of any goings on "down there" and I suppose she relies on me to mention any problems or concerns I might have.
I must confess that I would not feel comfortable with her examining my privates.
@ O!Daddie - She probably is relying on you to let her know of any issues. Typically - in these days of lawsuits, anyway - because a female doctor knows men are too embarrassed she would either A. Call in a male nurse to examine your "privates" (which an Urgent Care woman doc did with me) or B. Refer you to a male urologist.
However, that should not stop her from asking if everything is functioning properly, and satisfactorily during a routine exam.
I do believe it is time for a post on this subject.
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