Friday, July 22, 2022

Excessive Heat


Well, we've made it through another week. Excessive heat has descended upon a huge swath of the country and across most of Europe. Stay safe. Stay hydrated. Do as little as possible. Maybe go find a nice cool stream, swimming hole, lake, or hit the beach.

Or, if you have access, a pool.

Stay cool. 


Your French Patrick said...

I can only confirm, in France we break all the temperature records one after the other, and England has crossed the threshold of 40°C for the first time since meteorology exists.
It's nice of you to share your temperatures with us, but you shouldn't feel obligated to do so.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a great weekend.

paulmmn said...

Ah, Summer!

Playing in the pool-- chicken fights-- a naked buddy sitting on your shoulders, his basket snuggled up behind your neck, your head bumping his package, or 'piggy-back' style, legs around your waist, his junk rubbing on your back...

Trying to unmount another pair of buddies, slipping a naked hunk off of the shoulders of his mount... Losers paying a penalty as demanded by the winners!

Ah, Summer!


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Hitting the beach today.
Happy weekend, big! Stay cool!


SickoRicko said...

Yes, anything wet!

whkattk said...

@ MFP - I agree, we shouldn't be sharing our temperatures. WE shouldn't be having the highs we're having right now, either. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Paulmmn - I remember those days - none of us were naked back then, but we still had fun.

whkattk said...

@ Six - Enjoy! (That lake water can be ***cold***. XOXO

whkattk said...

@ Rick - I would guess you and Jerry are headed to the nude beach on the river? Hope so!

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Have been spending time rocking naked on the front porch. The other night came down around 2:30 AM, sat there and watched it rain. It was great to hear the rain and feel the coolness. Today was rocking and reading on the porch. Am glad I bought the privacy sheers to block out the side view. Two porch boxes of red geraniums on the front banister help provide privacy when I stand.
tje sound of birds make it very relaxing. Stay cool.

Anonymous said...

I wish my home had a private pool for these hot days of summer. Nothing like a refreshing dip naked! Have a great weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

And stay in air conditioning if you can.

I definitely miss those days. My family had a large property with a pond far enough from the house that you couldn't see it, so my friends and I used to swim and wrestle there. Nude for both, of course. Since it was so isolated, we weren't above a good circle jerk or some frot.

uptonking said...

It was lovely at the prairie on Friday. Adored it. Stayed in the shade once the sun was full strength. Just lovely. Wishing you the best. Stay cool, my dear. Kizzes.

Hot Naked Daddy said...

i like the guys swimming in the river or lake, reminds me of good ol days. We were swimming naked, it was good bonding time with male friends