Friday, November 16, 2012

Boner Killer or Killer Boner

Yesterday we talked about ways to boost Testosterone. One of those routes was to exercise. Exercise not only helps boost our T levels, it helps us maintain weight. As we find out in the second half of the Dr Oz article I cited, weight contains a hidden boner killer: fat.

No, not for the typical reasons you hear about. Come to find out, fat produces Estrogen. Now, Estrogen is also our friend - but in very, very small quantities. Start producing too much - or ingesting too much and... Manboobs notwithstanding, limp noodle takes on a whole new meaning.

Oh, you'd be surprised, shocked even to find out how much of that shit we ingest on a daily basis. A little word of warning on that score: Eliminate soy products from your diet as much as possible. Soy naturally contains estrogen.

The bottom line here: Estrogen - well, too much estrogen - in men kills boners! That's probably all the impetus most of us need to dust off that treadmill, or pull the clothes off the handles of the exercycle.

Make sure you can go from this:

To this...

To this...



O!Daddie said...

If there was the slightest chance I could get my body and my cock to look like ANY of these guys... you'd have to pry my $700 clothing valet/bike out of my cold, dead arse but maybe after the holidays.. maybe ;>)~

Anonymous said...

I love how you bring your articles and super hot pix together. A most delicious meal of images. Thanks for all the great info. Hugs to you my Friend. AOM

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with AOM.

Your site is delicious.



Another great feast of hot men and glorious cocks. In response to your question on my blog! No the doctor did not test that function, but I can tell it is working!!!!