Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Feel Whole Again

The cost of a prosthetic limb can reach as much as $50,000.00. There have been thousands of men and women who the military has provided them for after injury. When compared to the billions spent each year on weaponry, the money to repair a man's genitals and make him feel "whole" again is, as Faithful Reader Jean says, "a drop in the bucket."

Faithful Reader maddie made an observation about the unintended consequences - of sorts - in saying men could have transplants to get a larger cock. LOL. Yep. We guys are obsessed with how big or small our cocks are.

But, it's not all as ridiculous as you may think. The length of the penis is important, not only for pleasure but in the grand scheme of things as well. In order to fertilize, sperm must go through quite an obstacle course. Getting to the target is one hell of a chore - particularly if the distance is made greater by a small penis, regardless of the velocity of ejaculation.

Consider men diagnosed with Micro Penis - defined in the medical community as achieving an erect length of two inches (2") or less. Some men cannot even reach that goal. Those guys would likely need to use In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to make babies because the cock can't penetrate far enough to deliver the load.

It can also be psychologically devastating.
Especially considering there isn't much we can do about it.
So, our obsession with size is not really such a mystery after all. It's biologically ingrained. It's also why men are always checking out the other guys' cocks; we want to know if we stand a better chance of planting our seeds than the other guys in the locker rooms and showers.
 Or the dude standing next to us at the urinal.


Xersex said...

very interesting!!!

SickoRicko said...

Yes, all shapes and sizes.

Mistress Maddie said...

As long as a guy has a average functioning dick he should be happy.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Cock size is overestimated. Yes, a nice cock is hot and it may give tons of pleasure, but a dick that’s way too big is a literal pain. You know who I consider really attractive? The redhead. That yummy redhead in the fifth pic is just what I’d need.
And I’ve never met a man with a micropenis. Ever. I have no idea how I’d react if I fall in love with one.


Anonymous said...

There's also a pecking order aspect. Frankly, men, even straight men, care more about penis size than women.

whkattk said...

@ Sixpence - Yep, big cocks can actually be a problem. My brother is close to 10" and women would get a look at it and run. He finally found a woman who could handle it when he was 30-years old.

Anonymous said...

Reading this made me think of Cyborg, from the Teen Titans. One of the things Marv Wolfman did with his characters was, what made them special was also a curse. For Cyborg, he felt less human because of his mechanical parts. So, even a mechanical penis may not feel fully male. (A pity, too, looking at Victor Stone's earliest costume design.)