Thursday, February 4, 2021

Semen Retention


"Thank you for your blog. 

Another blog site ( seems to be a fan of semen retention. I've done some brief research but the benefits seem sketchy: I wondered if you might know more. 

I'm a 44 Yr old man and I masturbate twice daily in addition to partner sex. Throughout May each year, and usually prompted by your blog, I try to try something different. Any insight would be welcomed. Thank you."

I'm familiar with The Bator Blog, and their Bate Master. I don't think it promotes semen retention so much as it promotes edging; just spending more time enjoying the activity before ejaculation. As I like to say, "While ejaculation may be the ultimate goal, slow down and enjoy the getting there."

Those who promote semen retention report that the sexual energy of masturbation sticks with them if they don't cum.

When it comes to semen retention, I have a tendency to follow the urologists. Their data shows that a minimum of two ejaculations per week reduces the risk of prostate cancer. They go further and suggest that 21 times per month is the optimum number.

Masturbation Month began as a means to honor Joycelyn Elders (Bill Clinton's Surgeon General) who was fired after she was overheard during a private conversation on a university campus suggesting that, "perhaps, masturbation should be taught."

I interpret that as the activity should be brought out of the closet. It's a normal, healthy thing.

Twice per day in addition to partner sex is fine - even if you don't cum each and every time. One of the nice things for us is the ability to engage in sex as often as we like. That includes masturbation.

As this blog suggests, masturbation is normal, it's healthy, it's enjoyable. 

So, enjoy yourself.


Xersex said...

Their data shows that a minimum of two ejaculations per week reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

I think it's absolutely true!!!!

Big Dude said...

My Dad always said "Men are made to shoot sploot." I don't remember how many times he caught me pulling off. After my Mother died, we jerked together. He called edging "Holding your fire." He taught me how to do it on a camping trip. Men ought to be allowed to jack off at urinals in men's rooms without so much as batting an eyelash. It IS natural. It IS healthy.

Mistress Maddie said...

I'm always a twice a day boy. At very least. 😂😂😂

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Well, this is a man after my own heart. I would not mind a partner like that.
And semen retention? I have got to research that. What kind of fuckery is that? I've always heard that it's actually good to cum? And what about night emissions? I have questions.


Anonymous said...

My understanding would be that semen is the final mixture or substance produced by men, so why would you "retain" it or hold it back as a completed process or substance? I thought that semen being expelled was the final process to male orgasm. To me if you retain it, that implies that it is just sitting there in the urethra. In theory that doesn't seem like a good idea, but then again I'm not a doctor. I do know from experience that I occasionally have burning just from ejaculation, and sometimes doesn't subside until I urinate once or maybe twice. I also know of at least two uncles probably in their 70's that are experiencing prostate issues. One uncle has probably been sitting around too much which is kind of related to your previous post. I'm guilty of sitting for probably too long. Regarding the idea of masturbation being taught. Whatever she meant, I think it could be a good idea. I realize some may balk at the idea, but I think some simple evidence based guidance would be helpful to address concerns about frequency, age, erections, and also concerns about semen or maybe fertility. With more and more evidence suggesting that C-19 can affect fertility, I think it is conversations we need to be having. Should be no shame in body functions and understanding how everything works together.

whkattk said...

@ Six - Ask away! XOXO

whkattk said...

@ Anon - A man can have an orgasm without ejaculating. The semen doesn't reside within the urethra, but in the prostate and seminal vesicles. The men who practice "retention" are just masturbating without having an ejaculation - believing that the energy built up during the activity stays with them if they don't ejaculate. Mainly because after a man ejaculates the chemicals released help to relax the body.

JeanWM said...

All very interesting. Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

Would that I could ejaculate twice a day, twice a week or even twice a month, but some of us don't find it pleasurable enough for the effort to be motivated to do so or have difficulty physiologically doing so.

It's not surprising the continuing shame surrounding masturbation when in the 1700's and 1800's "scientists" were coming up with increasingly fiendish devices to prevent it. I'm personally convinced that one of the reasons for circumcision was to make masturbation less pleasurable by reducing sensitivity.

Then there is the anecdote that pre-ejaculatory boys often accidentally discover they can orgasm through stimulation and "cum" multiple times and that those boys often find in adulthood an ability to re-connect with that experience, often leading to the ability to orgasm at will multiple times: all because they can voluntarily bypass the ejaculatory part of the process. It may not be optimally healthy, so some ejaculatory episodes would need to be incorporated too in adult life.

At a minimum, the ability to experience the pleasure possible in our bodies should be encouraged as long as it is not harming someone else and through education and assistance if necessary (ie those with mobility or limb control issues) to ensure that no-one is excluded from this potential through chance or circumstance. I also think it is important to educate boys about their orgasmic potential and that it is okay, so that none miss out on that opportunity simply because they did not discover it accidentally for themselves or desisted through shame, but it is equally important to ensure they understand the health benefits of ejaculating too so they can arrive at a balance.

Men were made to ejaculate and frequently (spread the seed as widely as possible).

SickoRicko said...

Fabulous post!

whkattk said...

@ Anon, 3:38 - See what Big Dude has said above. I think you have a kindred soul in that department.