Thursday, February 18, 2021



I have not heard from Phil, blogger of AOM,  again, and he has not posted.

Now, Your French Patrick hasn't posted or answered my emails.

If anyone hears from either of them, please let us know. Their Blog Family worries.


So, I stumbled on Resident Alien on SyFy. It's got just the right amount of wrong. Space alien crash lands, he makes his way to Patience, Colorado, where he kills the local doctor, then takes on his form and gets stuck becoming...

...the local doctor. 😂

In last night's episode, he goes on a "date" with the woman who runs the local bar. They kiss(?) he really licks her face, alien, remember?), she gets out of his truck, and he says, "Oh, no, rigor mortis. My penis is dying."

It made me laugh, but it also made me wonder how many young boys wonder just what the heck is happening down there.

When did you start wanting answers and when did you get them?


AOM’s friend Davif said...

I was really hoping you would have heard from AOM. I haven’t heard from him either. Not since the end of January. Must admit I am concerned. I sure will let you know if I hear anything.

SickoRicko said...

Jerry and I watched the first episode of that show. For us it was a big groaner.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that your colleague AOM has not yet returned to posting. I'm concerned. Any update on his condition?

uptonking said...

I babysat a lot when an teen. Every house in this small town... I swear... they all had that book... Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask. It was there, on the bookshelf. In the living room... so? I read it. Well, parts of it (that's what a glossary is for). Still. My information was funneled through my Catholicism. So... natch, I was all F'd up about it... but, no... me and my peen? We've been buds since the day he started standing up for himself!

JiEL said...

I am seeing the Resident Alien since the beginning and I find the show refreshing and funny too. It gives us a kind of introspection on our own humanity.
For the last one him thinking as he had an erection that he has a beginning of «redis mortis».. That was hilarious.

For Phil of AOM, he is my friend for almost 20years and I too am worried of what is going on in his life.
I should send him a email to know more...

As I'm a late bloomer in my teenage times, when I had my first hardons, I did like to play with it mostly in the bath and under the covers of my bed.

Xersex said...

I don't know anything about Patrick and AOM!
love these pics

PaulMmn said...

Dad never gave me much in the way of The Talk. I'm pretty much self-taught.

Information came from bunches of kids getting together telling all of the 'dirty jokes' we'd heard-- a few 'getting to know you' sessions with a few select buddies.

Never really got a lot of information until I was old enough to visit the local 'adult' stores. Watched videos, bought a few books, and some gay-oriented newspapers and magazines. THEY had information!

The Internet has been a boon for youngsters these days-- if they can hide their browsing history from their parents, there's all sorts of information out there. Not necessarily -accurate- information, but that's been the case since I was growing up-- those bunches of kids telling everything didn't necessarily have accurate information either!


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Hope those fellow bloggers are ok. Maybe they've been affected for this whole winter outages.

And well, the thing is, older boys always took a very marked interest in me, so I was aware of what a boner was before I would even wondered about them. Yep. My interest in dick started very early on...


Anonymous said...

I was 12 when I jerked off for the first time. Didn't have any pubs yet but for some reason I could cum?!? But I came from a very religious family in a small town and I never got the 'talk' from my dad. This was pre internet day. Didn't have an older brother to talk to. I recall a few friends in grade 8 asking each other questions about how they jerked off. But that was it until grade 9 sex ed class.

BatRedneck said...

Arghh... I started downloading this series, thinking it'd be a good one.
Now that you mention it this way it seems a bit dull.
*Chuckle* I think I'm just going to watch the first episode and make up my mind as to its worthiness.

Anyway, your mention of 'rigor mortis' made me laugh. Only an alien character in a TV show can say such a thing. I for one can't remember what I thought at my first erection, which seems normal as we men all show this ability from our first age.
So it seems that these guys in the picture are more wondering with who (or what) they could use their hard on with, hu hu!

Cheers from your French rascal

AOM’s friend David said...

Just hoping Phil @ AOM is going to be okay. Good to know others are thinking of him. He’d so enjoy this post! Is there anything better than a boner?!?!

JeanWM said...

So what did people do 300 years ago? They probably had a very good idea of what was going on by watching the farm animals. It’s funny because these days how many guys even see farm animals?

I am also hoping to hear from French Patrick. I’ll follow up with Christopher if I don’t hear anything.
I was going to suggest maybe these missing folks are in sunny Cancun, but that’s our unfortunate Texas senator.
Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

Mentioning aliens got me thinking of the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon and how it worked the other way, with Starfire having a bizarre (but minimal so they could continue using the same models) alien puberty metamorphosis thing. And not completely feline.

I actually wondered how they would adapt her marriage. Turns out same thing, but he's not a cuck; he is a penis monster tho. Also her sister arranges it instead of plotting a coup.

Hot guys said...

I visit Patrick's blog every single day & commented each time, so...

I've noticed he hasn't updated it for 3 days, I believe. Unusual but, who knows, everyone has a life goin' on after all. 🤷‍♂️

Anonymous said...

Pretty rough that boys are still generally faced with a boner before they know what it is: would we allow girls to experience menstruation before it being explained to them?

Education should always preceed the events in which it is applicable, so the individual involved is prepared.

I had a tendency to catastrophise developmental events in my childhood and the shame of it made me keep it to myself. I'm still dealing with PTSD from those events 50 years later.

There's an equivalent lack of preparation for the later years in life too.

Society needs to be way more pro-active preparation orientated instead of reactive band-aid treatment (not even cure).

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Patrick's internet was hijacked by a neighbor. He's back. It just took longer for him to return that Flyin' Ted. LOL. Hugs and bisous.

You're right - it had to be the animals they saw.

T said...

Found magazines that were hidden in a closet with the neighbor when we were around 10. We didnt know what we were looking at but everyone was naked in it and took from it this is what will happen to us when we get older. Few years later during the teen years found a few videos. Learned everything from those few videos on what to do.

The talk happened with my mother. All the talk was was over being responsible and what yes and no mean. If you dont want to do it or feel pressured into doing things you say no and get out of there. If you dont have condom you dont do it and if the other person say its fine they have it they are telling lies.

Sexuality talk came straight after. Never really had that 'çoming out' thing as there was no need to as it changed nothing within the family. I dated both and thought it was just normal. Found out it wasnt normal from the other idiots at high school... Not everyone has open minded parents. Some parents think their children are absolute angels but when their parents backs are turned their real colours come out.

Never really got angry just more didnt understand why other people were like that for (angry fearful straight people). I just thought they were all stupid.

Your French Patrick said...

Sorry for having been missing during two and a half days on my blog.
It was due to one of my neighbors who had stolen my Internet optic fiber!!!

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat. Have a wondrous weekend.