Monday, December 13, 2021

Monday Giggles


I trust you all had a good weekend. It's time for Monday Giggles to start the week.

Thanks to Faithful Reader Jean for the bulk of today's giggles.


SickoRicko said...

Some very clever ideas here. I hope you had a good weekend.

Mistress Maddie said... wouldn't catch me in that shower. I'd be afraid to catch something. I got chills now all over.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG that bathroom is gonna give me nightmares!
Also, that first photo is very, very inspiring...


Your French Patrick said...

Photo number four: I'm afraid I understood
Photo number five: I had this problem but didn't solve it this way.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a great week.

Xersex said...

last one: those parents' only hobby is having children!

Unashamed Male said...

Like duct tape, a vise-grip can fix almost anything. Thanks for the chuckles. -Larry

uptonking said...

Love the last one (especially the butt stuff!)

Seeing electrical outlets near water always freaks me out. My anxiety!

And I LOVE that bicycle! That is amazing. Kizzes.

paulmmn said...

Smiling dude on the yellow pillow that leads today's list has a nifty smirky smile-- as if he's saying "Yeah, it -is- nice, isn't it?"
But he's willing to share.


JeanWM said...

The Darwin Award comes to mind for some of these who didn't make it.
Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ MFP - I think most men understood that one. If you lived with a woman for any length of time.... Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Larry - My father used to say he could fix anything with a roll of duct tape.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - Most certainly! Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Mistress and Six - I've seen some pretty nasty showers at campgrounds in my day, but nothing as bad as that. XOXO

BatRedneck said...

Once again, 'homo' and 'sapiens' do not seem to be a match for some (and many) humans :-)
Loved the cat meme: I can relate to that sweet thing.
Bathroom: after the electrical thingy nearing the surface of an off-ground swimming pool last week, here is the dumbest of in-house wiring. It's a wonder there are still that much MAGA rednecks alive going to the polls. Oh wait, I am told in my earpiece that dead rednecks votes are an actual thing...
As for the bowling alley picture: I had to enlarge it, for at first I Thought it was covered in blood and bordered with chicken drumsticks. Were rednecks at it again?
Thank you Pat :-)