Thursday, December 23, 2021

Pre-Christmas Giggles


What could be better than a few pre-Christmas giggles?


SickoRicko said...

Thanks for the great post!

Your French Patrick said...

I condemn the ban made by the Christmas tree for the cat to play with its balls.

Happy Ho Ho Ho To You, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Erick said...

Merry Christmas to you too Phil.
May 2022 bring us all some PEACE.
Cheers, Erick

uptonking said...

The two Grinch ones and the kitty cat had me laughing. I actually would love a tee shirt with the second Grinch meme on it. Glad you are feeling the season. Relax. Enjoy. Laugh. Kizzes.

Xersex said...

Merry Christmas!

Luv chocolate said...

I want the guy in the last picture!😃

Mistress Maddie said...

Boy know me well, many of these suit my personality very well.

JeanWM said...

Such great finds, LOL. Some of these I'm going to have to copy and save they are just too good.
I will certainly look at balls on the Christmas tree totally different now.
hugs and bisous.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Happy Xmas, Big!
And I, like Santa like naughty boys. They’re the best kind.


BatRedneck said...

Loved them all. Thank you for the giggles!