Wednesday, January 25, 2023



Yesterday was a precursor of more to come. The only doctors I saw from 2019 until yesterday were for the eye. Now, it's time to follow my own advice and get the long-delayed inspections. Friday will find me back at the Dermatologist for a full body check.

And, yep, she checks The Bits, too.

Anyone who spends the Summer months as I do...

needs that.


SickoRicko said...


Hooter from Owls Rest said...

We're glad you are taking care of things health wise. A stich in time saves nine. A friend of ours caught cancer in time. Had a small part of his colin removed and one kidney. He is now cancer free. He didn't even have to do chemo or radiation. He caught it in time.

Love the pool scenes. Makes me want to skinny dip or chunky dunk.

JeanWM said...

Part of being an adult, making these kinds of appointments and keeping them. I think of that every time I go to the dentist, like last week. All part of taking care of yourself. Hugs and bisous.

Your French Patrick said...

Pretty doctor and pretty nurse.
Well chosen! Your own advice was good at least on this point.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Had a quick physical today—doctor ran late and I needed to leave for another appointment—but he checked my balls and my penis for cancer. Got a clean bill of health on that. Trust you will as well.

uptonking said...

Just got back from Ft. Lauderdale and my bits got a tiny bit of sun... but I was careful and limited exposure to twenty minutes or so. Once the sun went down? Well... moonlight, did feel right!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I do a full physical once a year.
Check the bits twice a year.
I have never had a whole body checkup done by my dermatologist, though...


Xersex said...

love your pics here!

fullmoonma said...

My annual body scan is coming up in a couple of weeks. She always finds a couple spot to freeze - I've got very pale skin and "forget" to cover up!