Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Body Parts


Jeff reminds me that it's Movember.

Today is the perfect day to remind everyone about it. Why? because today is


Haul out The Boys and check them.

Grow that beard or moustache to remind other guys to get their balls checked. You might even find a barber shop doing an end-of-month special.

Here are some little-known facts:

Why is that, you might ask?

Because guys don't check their balls. Even when they notice pain or discomfort, they will put off going to a doctor to get it checked out. Don't be one of them. Check your balls!

If you notice anything odd about the shape, or have a slightly tender spot, go see your doctor!

Afraid you'll get a boner while the doc is checking?

I promise you two things:
1. He knows about erections. In fact, he gets them, too.

2. You won't be the first guy to get a hard-on while being examined.

To any medical professional, they're just body parts 

and they know how those parts function. In fact, a person can't get a medical degree without that knowledge.


SickoRicko said...

Well done!

JiEL said...

Each Movember, I'm like «OMG».
I'm totally hairless even over my face so I would never be able to grow what ever on my face. A bit frustrating but rewarding because I look younger, no need to shave alot and most of all, at now 73yo, I still have ALL my hair on my head with no much grey ones too.
Must say that this beards fashion is making me sad as so many are looking for bearded daddies which I'm really not close to be.

I support Movember in my way.
In 2017 I had a colon cancer which wasn't luckily a bad one.

Big Dude said...

He's right, brothers. Check those balls! Then jack out a load to celebrate your maleness.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ohhh I see!
And You'll have to grow a beard or a mustache for me cause I can't!!


uptonking said...

If anyone has issues checking their own balls... I volunteer to do it for them.

Your French Patrick said...

Did you intentionally write "BUDDY BALL CHECK" and not "BUDDY BALLS CHECK"?

Said to tease you, of course. (I love that).

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a delicious day.

Anonymous said...

I recommend unloading cum each day as it clears the balls out are less likely to get prostate cancer

Xersex said...

it must be said that the calls for breast control began about 30 years ago. If appeals for men had started at the same time, today only half of men would die from testicular cancer.

Anonymous said...

However, not every doctor is a man and whilst women doctors theoretically have the same medical knowledge, they can't directly identify with men's issues and many men are reluctant to see a woman doctor about sensitive male issues. This may partly explain why men are more reluctant to check out medical issues.

whkattk said...

@ JiEL and Six - I can't grow a beard or stache, either. XOXO

Etre Nu partout (2) said...

Excellente initiative, bien évidement. Ne pas hésiter à consulter un médecin en cas de doute.
Alors, oui, consulter une femme médecin peut etre un frein, il est aussi possible de choisir un homme médecin.
Pour limiter un risque d'érection, une masturbation avant la consultation peut être conseillé.
En revanche, même un médecin hétéro, aura un oeil comparatif avec ce qu'il a, lui même, dans son pantalon. Si vous etes un peu exhib',ça peut aussi est sympa de montrer tout son matos :))