Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Day After


Good morning.

Happy day after. I hope you got whatever you wished for and didn't want to return anything to Santa.

It was a very quiet day here. Cold. Mostly cloudy. It was a day to curl up with one of the books I got.

Rachel Maddow's Prequel, Cassidy Hutchison's Enough, and Liz Cheney's Oath and Honor

What did Santa bring you?


SickoRicko said...

"Nothing's too good for me" and that's exactly what I got. (Of course, that applies to Jerry, too.)

Your French Patrick said...

Here, the weather is freezing, rainy, dark. We are paying back for an autumn which was very warm and sunny.

I hope you have a great day! Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Santa ( my nephew) surprised me with a replica or the first imperial Fabergé egg to add to my collection. It is a white egg that opens, with a yellow yoke inside that opens, with a golden chicken inside the yoke. The Tsar was so impressed with the original egg he started commissioning a different egg every year. My other gift was our table was filled with friends for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

That is a serious mushroom head!!

William said...

Merry Christmas and happy reading. I see you're going for the light-hearted, humorous reading material these days. Thanks for all you do for us.

JeanWM said...

Well I did read Cassidy Hutchinson‘s book, and I saw interviews with Rachel Maddow and Liz Cheney on both of their new books, both interviews were repeated today on MSNBC.

And I even have Christmas presents yet to open as we are skidding towards the finish line of 2023. Looks like the older sister wasn’t happy with the present that Santa sent. LOL. Hugs and bisous.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ohhh Maddie’s book is supposed to be great.
And I’m glad Cheney’s did well. If only because the MAGAts are mad at her…


P.S. hope your Holidays were awesome!


uptonking said...

I hope you had a lovely holiday... still more to come.

Xersex said...

Hope you had a great Christmas!

Big Dude said...

I like when you show bare dicks and also throw in some humour.