Thursday, March 21, 2024

Wood Happens


Good morning.

Sometimes, Dear Abby or Ann Landers would toss a short sentence of advice at the end of a column.

Confidential to Y. D.: Wood happens to all guys. There's no reason to be ashamed.


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, LACK of wood is what worries most men, Big.


Mistress Maddie said...

I will never understand how anyhow is put off by see a hard cock. And like you said...were getting an erection at times whether we want one or not.

Hot guys said...

Exactly! 🙂

SickoRicko said...

Excellent examples, that's for sure!

Your French Patrick said...

Hugs and bisous for a lovely Thursday, my darlings Jean & Pat.

Anonymous said...

do guys jerk it a lot? can they jerk it together? yd

whkattk said...

@ Six - Exactly. XOXO

whkattk said...

@ Maddie - I agree. Erections are a Fact of Life. I'm not sure if this person was asking because they saw one on someone else or had one and someone saw it. But, now, they come back to ask if guys jack off a lot and if they do it together. Still not sure of the gender here. Hmmmm.

Jean said...

Well at least they’re asking questions, maybe that’s a good sign. I’m looking for a sign of spring, it’s still winter here.
Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous - Do guys jerk it a lot? Absolutely, it's a pleasurable experience for most and we can't expect a woman (or man) to be available or interested everytime testosterone exerts its influence. Perhaps we should look at the many euphemisms for men masturbating compared to the relatively few for women to indicate the relative frequency of masturbation between the sexes.

Can they jerk it together? Absolutely it's physically possible for men to masturbate together either independently or mutually, however society has gone out of its way to suppress male sexuality through various means including ridicule, fear (conditioned homophobia) and outright criminality, so jerking together has largely been driven underground, but its comforting to see a greater and more open expressed interest lately, challenging the old tropes.

Xersex said...

a horny dicks feast here!

whkattk said...

@ Jean - True, and I think that IS a good sign.
Here's hoping our warm spell gets to your neck of the woods soon! Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Anon, March 21, 2024 at 9:32 PM - Good answers for y.d.'s questions (above). Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Would that I would have the wood those guys are sporting more often.

Anonymous said...

@ Mistress Maddie - I fear that many women see an erection and interpret it as symbolic of the extra demands men make on them due to a difference in biology: it's not men's fault that our particular biology includes a strong sex drive, but it is also not women's fault that they may want to say no; the issue is that humans have not facilitated a way for men to express their sex drive fully (eg with a consensual partner) without unduly bothering women.