Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Naked yoga is probably the highlight of my week. The only bad thing I can think of to say about it is there aren’t more classes. This seems to be a phenomenon spreading across the country. It’s a great way to exercise, limber up, improve balance and core strength. And core strength is important for keeping the man-parts in good shape…well, all exercise helps with that. But I find my wood much stronger these days and the only thing I can think of which contributes to that is my yoga practice.
There was a brand new student the other day. He was nervous about being naked and asked me what made naked yoga so much better than attending a regular class. The answer for me was simple: it makes moving into the postures much easier; no clothing restricts your body. When he asked me how I could be naked with so many other people in the room, I told him we have nothing to be embarrassed about, nothing to be ashamed of. Still he was hesitant – hadn’t even dropped his mat to the floor yet – so I asked him if what was between his legs was supposed to be there. Of course he answered in the affirmative. “So, there ya go. Why be so afraid to let other men see it? We’ve all got the same things there.” He replied with “I guess” and dropped his mat. He looked around the room at the rest of us who had already shed our clothes and sat lounging on our mats waiting for the Yogi and finally began to undress. He still cupped a hand in front of himself; ‘course once the postures started he had to let go of that – it’s kinda difficult to do the postures with one hand cupped over your cock. (Did we all look? Of course! His dick is pretty small, but it’s not the smallest one in the group; that particular title goes to the guy with barely a nub showing above his balls.)
From experience and reading through a lot of FAQ’s, it became obvious to me the biggest issue men have in doing naked yoga seems to be “What if I get a hard-on?” The answer on every site is: Don’t worry about it. Men develop erections; it’s a daily event in our lives. If you find you’ve become aroused, just return your focus to the yoga posture and ignore it. Of course, if you’re involved in Tantric Yoga it’s a different story – they welcome and encourage them because Tantric teaches you to use and focus all your energy so the harder the better.
I think I mentioned a while back that one student popped wood during class. I’ve had my share of boners there as well. Nobody notices or if they have they certainly never say anything. If it happens to me it’s usually at the end of class, as we begin winding down and go into the final rest posture (flat on your back with arms and legs splayed out). The Yogi moves from student to student and pulls on our feet and heads to stretch the body and he’s never once said a word about it.

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