Friday, May 27, 2011

Remembering Our Boys

Acouple of weeks ago, I posted some pictures of our guys in uniform – and mentioned I should have probably waited for Memorial Day. I’ve been gathering photos since. Because I don’t post on weekends, I’m posting this today.

This is in honor of all the guys (and girls!) who have sacrificed – many with their lives – to provide us in the country with the freedom to express ourselves as we do; to celebrate a freedom many in this country consider immoral and in many repressed countries around the planet could get us thrown in jail (at best) or get us executed (at worst).
Please, remember those who have served and those who are serving and giving so much for us! We owe them more than we could ever repay…

1 comment:

Miss Sunshine said...

Great post! Great photos! We truly do have the best country in the world, and we owe it to all that have/do serve for our country. When you live each day to the fullest you are honoring all who have given their life, and are willing to give their life, for our Freedom.
