Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Proof is in the Boner


Each day a little bit better. The drugs seem to be working... The rest seems to be helping. The lazing about is surely helping.
The boner is proof positive, right?
As inspired by a photo posted today by blogger buddy AOM, I shall try adding a bit of naked yoga.






Then a nice hot shower

Then maybe a little quality time with my dick



Then drift off to sleep again


Unknown said...

Morning woods are nice too. Nice to get them sometimes but lately I have been getting them often. Why? I'm on vacation, no stress. Amazing eh?
Glad you are doing better and I agree with what you say about boners working.

Queer Heaven said...

Glad you are feeling better!
And that quality time with your dick, is always the best medicine.

Unknown said...

You are an absolute tease! Great post again! keep on getting better. Now that's an order. Patrick

Your French Patrick said...

Keep on getting better and better and better, my dear Pat, even if you are already the best (at least at friendship).

Wonderful update. I'll reblog #1, #4 & #6.

LOL, after considerable consideration, and lots of thought, I wonder if I really have to wish that you get better, as long as that is worth us of such updates!
Don't worry, I am jocking. Yourself first and before all.

Have a wondrous day and 3,1416 bisous full of "bonheur" all around your next boners.

whkattk said...

@ TJ - Stress is one big boner killer, that's for sure! Glad you're enjoying lots of good strong ones while on vacation!

whkattk said...

@ LP - Yes, my lord, I am and I shall! Hugs!

whkattk said...

@ QH - Yes, I think you're right. Quality dick time sure helps.

whkattk said...

@ MFP - Mon ami, I shall hold you to those bisous around my next boner! ;-)

O!Daddie said...

#7, #7, #7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'll be smilen' ear-to-ear!!!

Anonymous said...

have a GREAT weekend

Xersex said...

#4 love his position and his dick like a snake
#7 balls like eggs
#9 I could spend ages sucking
#10 what eyes!!!