Thursday, November 6, 2014

On (Boner) Happiness, Joy, and Pride

Wow. I thought yesterday's post would garner more response in comments and emails. Ah, well. Perhaps everyone was just too eager to click over to Caleb's site.
Anyway, I've been contemplating things in life that bring out the emotion of pure joy and happiness. Family, of course. I wouldn't trade the days I enjoyed with my brother as we grew up; being naked and jacking off together at every opportunity.

My days in the military where I learned nudity, boners, and mutual masturbation were normal and natural.




Lying naked in the sun.
Spending time with good friends, naked and having fun; doing guy things and enjoying our cocks.
Big, incredibly hard boners and the sensation of pleasure they bring.
And, of course, spewing huge loads of jizz.

This is another thing that brought me great joy and happiness, not to mention pride. My buddy's novel (over there in the side bar -->) received perfect scores in all six categories by the Writer's Digest 22nd Annual Self-Published Book Awards. If you aren't aware, Writer's Digest is a huge player in the publishing industry and this is a BIG DEAL. I'm so proud of him and so happy for him. I hope it sparks a landslide of sales for his book.


Your French Patrick said...

I knew the Reader's Digest which I have read a long time as it is translated in French, but not the Writer's Digest. I'll have to search on the Web to know more about them.
Whishing you a wondrous day with a lot of bisous.

Xersex said...

love so much jizz! delicious liquid meal!

SickoRicko said...

I love being naked in the sun!

O!Daddie said...

oh yeah, be happy for small treasures !!

Mark Greene said...

Nice selection of images. I guess because I equate masturbation with sexual stimulation, I wouldn't want to masturbate with a close friend or family member. But I understand not every one has the same mentality. I do like # 13 on the images.very tantalizing.

The Male Casting Couch