Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Life Wisodm

Bisexual...pansexual. What the hell's the difference. Not much, really. The article "Life's Too Short to Not Be Pansexual" in Medium pretty much explains it.
Bi means you like both men and women; pan, according to Kaitlyn Roberts, simply means you like anyone regardless of how they identify, as she quotes Bella Thorne (who recently came out on Good Morning America): "You like beings. You like what you like. Doesn’t have to be a girl or a guy or a he or she or they or this or that. It’s literally you like personality. You just like a being.”
What the quibble about, one supposes, is to be more inclusive for genderfluid people. 
But it can be very confusing for some young folks just coming into maturity and coming to terms with sex and their sexuality.

Case in point: I received an email from a young guy in college who identifies as straight. At a party he hooked up with another guy and one thing led to another, as it were. He enjoyed it, and now thinks about it "all the time;" fantasizes about this as he masturbates, worries about other friends finding out. Top it off that with his Christian upbringing he feels guilty.

See, religiosity aside, this is why I hate the labeling. We truly need to dump them; all of them.
I responded that if he enjoyed it he had nothing to be ashamed about. The younger generation - despite inventing new labels - are much more open and accepting. Of course, it's his decision to reveal the tryst, or not. I also discussed the religious aspect and I hope I managed to quash the guilt. He's a typical (normal) young guy who I hope comes to realize that humans are not gay, straight, or bi, or anything other pre-label noun.

We're simply sexual beings.
Any words of life wisdom you'd care to give this young man, Readers?


Xersex said...

don't worry, everyone is a bit bisex.

AOM SoulFood said...

Labeled NO LABELS! Enjoy what you want with the people you want - just enjoy how good it feels to be with the people that make you feel good. I've never understood why we get all caught up in labels other than being told by others to feel I had to fit labels. Be Freeeee! I hope you are doing well and having fun, my Friend. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

SickoRicko said...

You pretty much covered all the bases in your usual great way!

Anonymous said...

There used to be a blog written by a Christian pastor which covered the idea of masturbation pretty thoroughly. Essentially masturbation as such is not addressed directly in the Bible. There are two passages in the Old Testament which can somewhat speak to the issue. Leviticus 15:16 “If a man has an emission of semen, he shall bathe his whole body in water and be unclean until the evening.” ‭ESV‬‬ Two points: 1. The emission of semen is not the same in Hebrew as a wet dream (it is used in Deuteronomy 23:10). So how else would a guy have an emission of semen if it wasn’t by a wet dream? 2. The “remedy” for being ritually unclean is the same as having sex with a woman (presumably his wife) (see 15:18).
Note that the “remedy” for a wet dream is the same as masturbation : “"If any man among you becomes unclean because of a nocturnal emission, then he shall go outside the camp. He shall not come inside the camp, but when evening comes, he shall bathe himself in water, and as the sun sets, he may come inside the camp.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭23:10-11‬ ‭ESV‬‬. The Hebrew word for nocturnal dream is different from “emission of semen” in Leviticus.

Your French Patrick said...

I recently learned that there is no gay gene. But that does not change the fact that this is more powerful than ourselves and thus that we do not have to feel guilty about anything.

I translated for you:
This is a confirmation of what other studies have already suggested. Like being small or big, or more or less intelligent, loving men or women is not defined by a single gene, but by multiple regions of the genome and, like any complex human character, by elusive environmental factors.
This is the conclusion of an analysis carried out on half a million DNA profiles by a group of researchers in Europe and the United States, whose publication Thursday by the prestigious journal Science aims to bury the idea born in the 1990s that there is a "gay gene" as predictable as what exists for the color of the eyes. "It's de facto impossible to predict a person's sexual orientation based on their genome," says Ben Neale, a member of Harvard's Broad Institute and MIT, one of the many institutions from which the authors come.
Sexual orientation does have a genetic component, say the researchers, confirming previous smaller studies, especially on twins. But this component depends on a myriad of genes. "There is no single gay gene, but many small genetic effects distributed throughout the genome," says Ben Neale.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Mistress Maddie said...

Just go with it a say. But I have found when guys think of sex with men all the time and like cock and think of getting cock, I do think your probably gay. And that's fine too.

JeanWM said...

In 100 years this will all be a non-issue and folks will marvel that we even cared. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Anon - I used to read Paul's blog all the time. His illness sadly forced him to cease posting...heard through another priest who used to post that Paul passed this past Spring (I believe). Yes, "scholars" often misinterpret, mis-attribute meanings of the bible to suit their agendas.

whkattk said...

@ MFP - I saw the report on that in the local paper (a surprise considering how conservatively biased the editorial staff is). Now, one wonders how the religious extremists will find a way to twist the report to their purposes of bigotry.

Anonymous said...

Another question is why are labels supposedly so important to mankind.....no matter what country around the world one resides, there they are....an integral part of each society.

I believe the need is imbedded in us from our early primate days. This is why early mankind survived in tribes and had such rules for being in good standing with the tribe....and where you "fit" in the tribe. Why men and women and especially children will gang up on a particular member of the tribe, just like monkeys gang up on a particular member of their group from time to time.

I'm not saying this is acceptable behavior in an advanced culture of human beings. I'm saying this (I think) is the deep root of our issues here. I think we could get way past all this if we would be cognizant of it, admit it to the world, and not let it dictate our lives. I think we can live our own lives now. We don't need a tribe to make it possible for us to survive any longer.

Labels (and tribes) go away please.....we don't need you anymore!

Your French Patrick said...

If they succeed, it will also be valid for having black or red hair rather than blond, green rather than blue eyes, and very many distinctive characters. And why not fingerprints while they are at it.
But it is true that they manage to convince billions of people that very many gods are the only god.

whkattk said...

@ Anon - well, I understand our need for naming people (Bill, Tasha), places, and things (flower, tree) but the need to name (label) some things is overkill. Yes, Labels and Tribes should go away,,,,,