Wednesday, July 8, 2020


 It's time for a little fun.
Evidently, it works

Is the camera on?

Bored? With that??

Can I come out to play?

Care for Cream?

Giving new meaning to loving books

This ad would sell an awful lot of purses

Let there be light

Bowling during the pandemic

Hot Cross Dicks

Kid after my own heart

But you are a doctor

Encouragement for dealing with these tough times

From me to all of you!
Thank you for stopping by, and reading and leaving comments.
You all give me hope for the future.


William said...

Thanks for the laughs and light-heartedness. Hope you have a wonderful day, as well.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

He certainly CANNOT be bored. Nope. Not in a hundred years.
And of course it’s always a pleasure to drink drop by....


Xersex said...

fantastic post

Adam said...

Enjoyed the humor, something in short supply these days.

And I look forward to the posts each week, the thoughtful questions and answers, the sexy pics, and the conversations within the comments.

Keep it UP, friends! And if you can't, talk with your doc ;)

Mistress Maddie said...

I could use a python about right now. If i did table top bowling, I'd send those pins into next week with my ejaculations.

Your French Patrick said...

Love your comments under each picture.

My Facebook account mixed with that of a certain Céline, I don't know how. We were both connected and able to drive this strange thing. I have been able to eliminate her account and to reduce the account to what concerns me but it took me hours.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings chéris.

AOM SoulFood said...

AMEN! Thanks, my Friend. OMG I love that coffee cup - cock snot is exactly what I thought it was when I first came. LOL So funny! Wishing you all the very best. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM

uptonking said...

What a great collection. Lots of chuckles to be found. Thanks for sharing. We really appreciate you and your blog.

Butch 57 said...

Great post !

SickoRicko said...

Terrific selection of fun stuff, thanks!

Hot guys said...

I giggled thanks to those first 2 already! 😜👏🏻