Friday, January 8, 2021

What Do You Think?

 I fear it is not done.

But, hope for a better tomorrow.

What do you think?


Mistress Maddie said...

Another year from now and I think we may be in a better place. Funny how each day finds me in a different mood. Yesterday I had no hope or faith....but then I see some good dems and repubs who care and want change...and I feel a bit better.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Well, let's see how it goes.
And is that Ken Ryker jumping out of his bathrobe? Yum.


Your French Patrick said...

It is hard to imagine a future that would be worse, but it is true that it is possible.
However, we have good reasons to believe in better tomorrows.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a wondrous weekend.

SickoRicko said...

Yes, I'm still worried about what the twitter-ass might do to screw things royally. Even out of office he will be a threat to stability. I hope he gets jail time for something!

Xersex said...

despite the pandemic, all the newspapers and television news have opened with what happened in Washington. This is an epoch-making event that you people in the US probably fail to realize. This presidency is ending in a grotesque way.
Now let's wait for January 20th.
Good weekend everyone.

I would like to point out that the shaman with horns on his head, Jake Angeli, has Italian roots, as his surname also shows. An export jerk!

Anonymous said...

I think we have a few rough weeks ahead but things will turn around. My boys and I keep a watchful eye and keep each other grounded. - Dad

PaulMmn said...

I really hope they do NOT invoke the 25th or impeach our Idiot-In-Chief. Doing so would make him a martyr that his base would use as justification for who knows what!

Be better to box him in and make sure he doesn't become a bigger liability than he is now.


whkattk said...

@ Six - I'm not sure...but he can keep me company anytime.

whkattk said...

@ Maddie - Yeah, that's how it's been for me - but hour to hour. (sigh)
BTW - When did you pose for Rick over at SickoRicko's? 😂😂😜

Anonymous said...

Improvement and change is usually painful: you have to work to make it happen and not just sit on the sidelines waiting for it to occur by default. Bad things happen when good men do nothing.

As an outsider, the American presidency is not just ending in a grotesque way: the office of president has been conducted in a grotesque way for a long time. I don't think the founding fathers meant the President, one person, to have so much power that they are more like a monarch or dictator than a failsafe over Congress (which itself has become corrupt and no longer representative of the people's wishes but those of lobbyists and business) or that lunatics and people of questionable character be permitted to run for office.

This is not a dark day, but a wakeup call that fundamental ideas have been allowed to wither and require change and that change is possible: despite Trump's machinations, the USA has elected a more stable new president than the outgoing one and so some change has already occurred. Now you have to work to close the loopholes that allowed such an unsuitable person into the White House in the first place. We can't let tradition impede progress towards a better civilisation.

Back on topic, from enquiries and comments to this blog, it seems like men might be on the cusp of change in getting their needs met with a helping hand from other men, when the traditional sources are not forthcoming. That is a huge step forward in liberation of men from being held hostage to their biology (which is how the lives of men have become in order to liberate women from being held hostage to their biology, in my opinion).

However, change requires discussion to ensure it is a win-win instead of a win-lose or lose-lose development.

JeanWM said...

It's two steps forward and one step back, but we are making progress.
Our country"s leadership is going to change drastically. In the meantime the videos of the rioters storming the halls of Congress are horrifying.
Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Nancy thought it was a beautiful sight to behold? It's never done. The next 4 years will likely be very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine worse futures. Stupid still hasn't nuked anyone.

But I grew up in the 90s. "Bad future" was a cliché in comics. Let me tell you about Mirage some time. The DC one, not the Marvel one.

uptonking said...

Kamala has the Senate so F them all. That said, now they are trying to blame it on Antifa, so... I don't think they will try anything so brazen. Yes, there will be the occasional mask uprising a Walmarts across the nation... or maybe they will take a Chik-a-fil hostage... but who cares. Let them all end up in Jail. Our police force, on the other hand... needs to be flushed and recalibrated. Too many nazi sympathizers in their ranks.

PornUltras said...

Man, gay people always looks so happy. Sometimes I wish I could be one too!

whkattk said...

@ PornUltras - Well, like everyone else, they have their moments.

Anonymous said...

@ PornUltras - what makes you think happy people are gay? They may simply be men who are enjoying intimate connections with other men, much like you might enjoy the company of a buddy. Who says friendship can't include intimacy: it's just a deeper connection than most are used to?

It's a brave new world where we begin to question how things always have been presented to us as rigid binary stereotypes, when the universe is a diverse spectrum.

@ uptonking - in my opinion, making the police only an instrument of the prosecuting justice framework has been a mistake when part of their brief is to help people: they need to be unbiased and to keep the peace by being social workers first and law enforcers second.