Thursday, December 15, 2022

Too Late


It's that day again.
My reminder to you all that it's time to check The Boys.

Then it's time to remind every male you know to do the same. Testicular cancer strikes most commonly between the ages of 15 and 35. That doesn't mean it can't develop anywhere outside that range.

Moms and Dads? You want proof that you need to educate your young sons on the TSE? Proof that you can't ignore or shrug off complaints? Proof that it's never too early?
It's only ever too late.

Rick (SickoRicko's Crap) sent along this article from Today about early signs of ball cancer.

Imagine a physician who was ignorant of those indications. The article tells what finally sent him to get checked out.

Get busy.

Remember: Early detection is key to survival.


Mistress Maddie said...

I would say I checked mine pretty regularly especially since I can't keep my hands out of my pants most days. But I will say when I go to my physician he is pretty in-depth with checking everything out.

SickoRicko said...

That poor nine-year-old kid!

Anonymous said...

Definitely teach TSE. No different from breast self-examination.

Anonymous said...

So, any other things we should teach besides TSE, you think?

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Well, with that doctor...
BTW, my doctor is a HUNK of a man. Over six feet tall, built like the proverbial brick house and super gentle. I would.


Big Dude said...

Thanks for these reminders. I am "outside the age range," but I still check myself. I have two buddies who caught it early enough because I reminded them, when you reminded me.

whkattk said...

@ Rick - Truly. Imagine having one of your nuts removed at that age. So thank you for sending that article!

whkattk said...

@ Anon, December 15, 2022 at 11:58 AM - Yes. Imagine what you wish you had known as a young teen. Teach them (sons and daughters) about their bodies, what they can expect as they mature; for sons: the spontaneous boners, morning wood, wet dreams and how to (mostly) stop them by masturbating.

JeanWM said...

We could all write a book about what we've learned since we were young teens. And guess what it never stops. Hugs and bisous.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Maximus and I will check ours tonight. We were busy today doing some shopping for the week and the holiday. It is important to keep check on our play toys. Thank you for the reminder.

Xersex said...

love your pics!

uptonking said...

Busy boys, busy hands... not a day goes by that I don't thoroughly check my boys out. Adore them and wouldn't let anything happen to them... Kizzes.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's the teaching how to masturbate. Besides jokes (🎶Wank like a man, my son...🎶) it's kinda "out there". But otherwise yeah.

Paul said...

Thanks for the reminder. My buddy group is a bit scattered at the moment, so we zoomed our examination. One of the anonymous asked about what else can we teach… if you are not circumcised the “friendly foreskin” check is really important. Checking for any discoloration, or soreness, or any changes at all under the foreskin is very important. Our group has two guys with foreskins, and everyone assists in the Friendly Foreskin check each month.

Anonymous said...

And that too, for those of us (like me) with foreskins.