Friday, June 9, 2023

Readers Will


Every once in a while Readers will send photos and ask me to post them.

I usually wait until I have a post that they will work with. But considering today is one of those days when I got nothin'....

Enjoy your day.

And have a most excellent weekend!


Mistress Maddie said...

Oh my Pat! I'm definitely going to need some names numbers and emails of some of these guys! You know for my research purposes. Thanks for being here another week with us Pat, kisses.

Your French Patrick said...

Nice selection of beautiful photos.
I wish you a great weekend.
Hugs and kisses, my darlings Jean and Pat.

BatRedneck said...

I'd very much like to help that man hustle the poppies. Maybe the others would join?...

Big Dude said...

Looking at these males is getting my weekend off to a great start. I like the guy in the flower garden best. But I would cheerfully service any or all of them.

SickoRicko said...

Pat, you have a great weekend, too!

Anonymous said...

So my straight cousin told me that the other day a guy at his gym asked him if he as a black man had a big cock he would do a bj, my cousin sad thank you but fuck no! He was offended because he felt like an object, but he didn't mean to disrespect a gay guy. I got no answer, let me think and let me tell my friends what they think! So....

Big Dude said...

There's nothing wrong with this post. Like I've said, it's great to learn from your blog, but sometimes, just enjoying some dick is all a man needs.

Peter said...

A fellow naked gardener! Huzzah!

Moran-Newman Farms said...

Well you do have some of the most attractive readers

savita bhabhi hindi said...

Xersex said...

what sexy guy!

whkattk said...

@ Anon, June 9, 2023 at 11:28 PM - I think it would depend on the tone your cousin used. If he sounded angry or offended, then yes. If it was more of a good-natured "thank you, but fuck no" then maybe not.

Straight dudes need to remember they hit on women they find attractive all the time. It shouldn't be offensive for a gay man to make advances.

As long as the rejection is kind, it won't be an issue.

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday!!! For a post where you've 'got nothing' this one was pretty damned good. And as a former Pittsburgher, I particularly appreciate the guy wearing the Streeler's shorts. Go Steelers!!!! Or 'Stillers' as we're supposed tos say.
Have a great weekend!

Christiaan said...

Models make great eye candy, but real men with real cocks are what cranks the lust to 11.
Thanks for your wonderful blog 😍