"Okay, so 'splain this to me. >Back in my prime (30's)<, I had a couple of buddy's and we would beat off together. I would cum... first load in the evening, it was copious, but if we kept going, by about the fifth orgasm, I had all the sensation of cumming but nothing to show for it; nary a drop. Did I run dry or were there some other things at play here? Does the body just go, "No, you're just fucking around now, I'm shutting you off"?"
While the testes continue to manufacture millions of swimmers a minute, the rest of the equipment which contribute to the total ejaculate take a bit longer to replenish. So that many orgasms in such a short period of time can, indeed, lead to the sensation of orgasm but have the effect of "running dry."
Three was my tops in one "session".
Those "ghost" or "dry" orgasms are, kinda interesting. They feel different. Not better or worse, not as impressive, though in my teen years, when with friends, I did go from first to ghost just to show how much I could.
Back when I was young, dumb, and full of cum, I experienced the same thing. The doc and my dad put my mind to rest about it.
The most I can go in one session is three rounds or three orgasm, but usually the first two are guysers, but the last one I usually shoot very little.
I expected your conclusion, it's simple common sense.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have an excelent day.
First of all, I am as gay as they come and I have NEVER had a get together with three or four guys to masturbate. Never. Ever. In my life.
And I don't know any gay men who has done that. Never. Ever. Fuck twenty guys in a night? Yes. Get together to just jerk off? No.
Is this generational? Who gets together to beat off? Is this a rite of passage? Is it a Midwestern/East Coast/ Southern tradition I'm not aware of? Has anybody studied this?
Also, if someone jerks off five times in a row, they're gonna stop ejaculating. Twice? There's juice. Five? No.
See, we learn something new almost every day. Hugs and bisous.
LOL. Today? I couldn't imagine being so ambitious as to cum five times in a single evening. My, how time evens us out.
It's possible to have as many orgasms a night as you want, but not via the standard method and not if you ejaculate: ejaculation tends to reset the system for most men, although as we have seen in this and other posts, it's possible to cum a few times in succession depending on age, technique and health of the individual.
The question is whether the objective is orgasm or ejaculation or the combination and how long you want it to last.
@ Six - Oh, my, you have led a sheltered life, haven't you? LOL.
There are jack-off groups ***all over*** the ****world****. And, yes, there are gay folks and straight folks who attend. My gosh, our barracks had standing weekend circle jerks. If you couldn't hook up at a bar, you came back to the barracks and went to the j/o party. 'Course we called them "Stag Parties" because a circle jerk could get you discharged. XOXO
I was closeted until 38 years old. I had jerk off sessions as a teenager but mostly with just one or two guys at a time. As an adult I've been in several planned jerk off groups. I think its awesome to watch and be watched. As a teenager, I also think its healthy for body image. Many teens today take into adulthood their hangups about their bodies not being perfect or their dicks not being large enough.
Boys have done it since time immemorial, though it tapers off to some extent in adulthood.
Growing up where I did, we didn't have porn, so we made do with thoughts about who we wanted to screw. Or things like Cinemax if you could afford it.
@ Hooter - Yep, there are plenty of groups out there, that's for sure. My brother and our buddies used to jerk off together all the time.
@ nakedswimmer - It does taper off as we age. I doubt my brother has gotten together with friends since he's been married. But before that - I know he did. We didn't have porn either, unless someone managed to get their dad's old Playboy or Penthouse magazines.
after 4/5 orgasms, imho It is quite natural that the prostate is no longer able to produce cum.
Different era. I grew up at a time when porn was widely available (just before the rise of internet porn) BUT it was generally assumed around where I lived that women in porn were slaves. So, somewhat conservative, but not about guy-on-guy stuff. Most of us guys jerked off with other guys, or frosted or docked; oral was spoken of in hushed tones; no one even spoke of anal.
@ nakedswimmer - Though we had no porn to speak of, it was the same for us...jerk off, frot, oral was talked about but that's about all. And never anal.
Oh, there was no porn per se. You'd have to explain it to your parents, and good luck with that. And good luck getting it in the mail without a street address. (All mail is delivered c/o the tribe, which you have to drive to the tribal offices just to get mail. Makes voting a pain too.)
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